How I met Mecha Eli-Chan

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This chapter will be taking place at the end of the Fate/GO 2019 Halloween event.*

At was finally over. After climbing up the castle, defeating countless servants and copies of Mecha Eli-Chan MK II, Osakabehime's plans had been foiled through Elizabeth's singing, which surprisingly sounded really good for once. However, the most important thing was that this was the last year that Chaldea would let the dragon girl host the annual Halloween event. Since Elizabeth kept getting overthrown every year, Chaldea decided that a different servant host next year's event.

"Oh come on!," Elizabeth cried. "I've always host the Halloween event! It's the one time of year that is solely focused on me!"

Da Vinci rolled her eyes as she ignored the Lancer class servant's pleas. "I'm sorry Elizabeth, but this is the last straw. I mean sure, you managed host a great Halloween event during the first year, but you been overthrown three times since then. First it was Cleopatra, then it is was Mecha Eli-Chan, and then you were kidnapped by Osakabehime! Again, I'm sorry, but it's time to give someone else a shot!"

Elizabeth immediately turned towards Ryan as he and Mashu were grabbing as much candy as they could to take back to Chaldea. "Puppy! You like my events right?! You're not going to let take Halloween away from me right?!"

The brown haired boy sighed. "I don't know....I mean your events have been fun, but I think I would enjoy having other girls being the welfare servant like a Halloween Jalter."

The dragon girl poured as she went to say something as Mecha Eli-Chan walked up to her and said, "Stop bothering Pilot. Admit defeat already and move on with your life."

"But this is what I live for! I love creating events where I can make Puppy fall in love with me!," Eli said with tears in her eyes.

Ryan sighed as he walked over to Elizabeth and gave her a big hug. "It's going to be ok. Here's an about you plan the Halloween party we are going to have on Halloween?"

"Really?! Thanks you Puppy!," the dragon girl said as she kissed the boy firmly on the lips. "I won't let you down!"

With that, Elizabeth ran off already excited to get started. Meanwhile, Mecha Eli-Chan turned towards the brown haired boy.

"So now that she's gone, I have a question for you.," the robot girl asked.

"Really?," Ryan asked. "Ok. What's your question?"

"Can I come back to Chaldea with you?," Mecha Eli asked with slight blush on her face.

The Master of Chaldea was surprised to hear that at first. You see, Mecha Eli-Chan was created to protect the town that Elizabeth was in charge of. While she had taken over the castle, she was a bust and noble leader who truly cared for the people. She was literally everything Elizabeth Bathory wasn't and after traveling with her to get revenge of Osakabehime, Ryan had to admit he had gotten close with the Alter Ego class servant. However, one thing bothered him....

"Hold on, what about the town?," the boy asked. "Who is going to protect them when you're not here? I mean I know it's not going to be Elizabeth or her other forms!"

"Oh don't worry. MK II said she would protect the town.," Mecha Eli-Chan admitted. "She's actually quite nice now that Osakabehime has been defeated."

"Ok then.," Ryan said as he held his hand out towards the robot Elizabeth with a bring smile on his face. "Welcome to the team, Eli-Chan!"

"Thank you Pilot.," the girl said as she hugged her new master before moving away from him. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to make sure that the original Elizabeth or the other two buffoons don't ruin the Halloween party."

With that, the Alter Ego servant flew off after her counterpart as thoughts of her new life with her Pilot filled her head. Meanwhile, as Ryan went back to collecting candy with Mashu, another version of Elizabeth Bathory stared at him.

"Until next year, Pilot

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"Until next year, Pilot....," Mecha Eli-Chan MK II stated as she flew off in order to protect the town.

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