Goodbye Harem (Solomon Arc Ending)

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*The time has finally arrived. The End of the Solomon Arc, but don't worry. This is not the's a new beginning.*

It finally happened. After months of the threat of their arrival, the investigation team from the Mage Association had finally arrived in Chaldea. Well, technically they were still an hour out, but everyone was in full panic mode. The staff were running around finishing reports, Sherlock Holmes was carefully stored away so that the investigation team wouldn't see him, and Da Vinci had been in her workshop working on something for the past couple of weeks. Meanwhile, Ryan was in his room preparing for the worst with Izumi standing guard near the door. According to staff, he would either be used by the Mage Association or written off completely as no one important. Either way, this wasn't going to end well.

That's when he heard a knock on his door causing Izumi to open it as the Great Da Vinci-Chan herself walked into the room. "Hello Master. I hope you know what's about to happen."

"Yeah. A bunch of annoying interviews to justify Chaldea's action despite us saving everyone in history from a fate worse than death.," the young man said with a sigh. "I don't have to wear a suit, right?,"

"Unfortunately, you do and I know how you feel.," the Caster class servant stated. "While we prevented the Incineration of Humanity, the rest of the world didn't experience what we did during the last two years and believed it never happened. Hopefully, we can all get through this unscathed. However, I need to talk to you about something."

The Master of Chaldea raised an eyebrow. "Really? What is it?"

Da Vinci took a deep breath. "I need you nullify your contracts with your servants."

"Wait...what?!," Ryan exclaimed. "Why?!"

"While I wish we didn't have to, but if the investigation team sees everyone, they will most likely make you an asset to the Association whether you like or not., So in order to give you a chance at a normal life after this, you need to cancel your contracts.," the genius said causing the boy to shout something, but she quickly cut him off. "Well actually, you just need to nullify most of your contracts. You will still have Mashu, Holmes, and myself as your servants. Also Miss Irisveil and Chloe will also be staying since they are technically from alternate universes, so we are keeping them safely hidden away until this all blows over."

"Ok then....but what about everyone else?," the boy asked. "There's no way they would all be happy going away forever....especially Jalter."

"Actually....everyone agreed to this. We all want what's best for you.," Da Vinci said with a sad smile. "Even if that means saying goodbye to you...."

Ryan couldn't believe this. They all felt this way? I mean....he knew that they cared about him, but to end their contracts with him in order to keep him safe. He really did have the best servants.

So, with a heavy heart, Ryan said, "Ok....what do I need to do?"

"Don't worry.," Da Vinci said. "I'll show let's get started because we have a lot of work to do."


After many (and I do mean many) goodbyes, Ryan had nullified all his contracts with his servants except the secret ones (Mashu, Da Vinci, Holmes, Irisviel, and Chloe) just in time as the investigation team walked in the doors. As soon as they arrived, they gathered all of the staff in the control room and made them stand in a line. Once everyone was in the room, a large man with blonde hair and a mustache dressed all in white walked in front of the Chaldean staff with a attractive woman with pink hair following behind him. As soon as Ryan saw the woman, he felt something was off about her. She seemed familiar.....for some strange reason.

"Hello everyone! I am Goredolf Muisk, the new owner and director of Chaldea! So, you all work for me now

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"Hello everyone! I am Goredolf Muisk, the new owner and director of Chaldea! So, you all work for me now.," the man said with a smile. "Just corporate with investigation team and we can get back to business. First, where are your so called Master?"

That's when both Ryan and Gudako step forward causing Goredolf to turn towards Da Vinci in confusion. "Umm...I thought you only had one capable master?"

"We did at first, but Miss Gudako recovers from Professor Lev's attack and she rejoined the staff about six months ago.," Da Vinci said leaving out the fact the crazed master had been causing mischief for Chaldea a year before she officially rejoined the staff.

"Ok then....well, they don't look that impressive. Anyways, Koyanskaya!," the director called as the woman behind him step towards him.

 Anyways, Koyanskaya!," the director called as the woman behind him step towards him

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"Yes Director?," Koyanskaya asked with a cruel smile. "Do you need me to punish these two? I'll happily punish the boy!"

"Umm....just take them to their rooms.," Goredolf said. "In fact, all of you will wait in your rooms until the investigation team is ready to interview you. Until then, you can leave Chaldea in my very qualified hands."

With that, everyone was separated as the entire
staff was marched to their rooms with Ryan and Gudako being transported personally by Koyanskaya herself. The entire time they walked, Ryan tried to remember where he had seen the woman before, but he couldn't figure it out. When they reached his room, the boy noticed a certain white haired girl was missing.

"Hey. Where's Izumi?," he asked.

"Your bodyguard? Sorry, but she'll be stationed in another room until the investigation is over.," the assistant said with a smile. "I think Goredolf is interested in hiring she won't be yours much longer, but don't worry. You have no nothing to worry about."

With that, she shoved the young man into his room and locked it behind him with guards watching the door. Meanwhile, Ryan stood there with the mysterious feeling. Something was definitely wrong, but he couldn't figure what it was. The boy to continued to think as Koyanskaya to lead Gudako to her room. Once she was in there, the pinked haired woman turned to see a familiar imp that her boss had imprisoned.

"Is everything ready?," she asked.

"I mean I guess.," ChibiWolfsun said. "Kadoc will be here in a couple of days. Chaldea won't know what will hit them until it's too late. Now if you can just release me, I'll be on my—"

Koyanskaya kicked the small creature in the stomach as he fell over in pain. When he tried to get up, she stepped on his head.

"Oh no my pet. I'm afraid the Foreign God still has use for you.," Tamamo Vitch said with a sadistic grin on her face. "After all, the world isn't going to destroy itself, now is it? Now....let's get back to work."

To be Continued in the Lostbelt Arc.....

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