How I met Mordred

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*This chapter will be taking place between the Fourth Singularity and the Saber Wars Event. Please enjoy*

It had only been a week after recovering in the Holy Grail in the Fourth Singularity, and Ryan still felt anguish. London was not only the toughest Singularity he and his servants had faced, but it was also when they felt the most helpless especially when powerful servants kept coming out of nowhere like Telsa and Lancer Artoria Alter which they barely defeated. Not only that, they finally met Solomon, the one who has been trying to destroy humanity who quickly crushed his team. It only due to Scathach's skills and Solomon thinking Ryan wasn't a worthy opponent for him that saved them. Despite saying that Solomon was promising he wouldn't interfere with them anymore, the boy still expected the worst to the come from the last three Singularities.

As he sat on his bed alone in his room, he thought how everyone was getting back to normal. Artoria, Saber Alter and Santa Alter were either training or eating all of Chaldea's food while Okita and Nobu spent their days watching old cartoons. Both versions of Elizabeth Bathory were still trying to have everyone attend their concerts while Stheno and Saint Martha just quietly read a book while drinking tea. Meanwhile, Scathach was attempting to teach Fran to speak English while Emiya practiced archery with Atalanta. Everyone seemed to be a good mood, but Ryan could still remember how they had severely injured when they were in front of Grand Caster.

The memories of that final battle flooded back into his head like rushing water. Their bodies limb on the ground as he held an unconscious Mashu in his arms. The look in Scathach's eyes as she glared menacingly at Solomon as she raced towards him activating her Noble Phantasm one last time. Ryan remembered how the Grand Caster smirked knowing that he could crush them at any time, but decided to let them live only to break them again when it mattered most. Ryan hated Solomon...he never wanted to see his Serv--no his friends ever hurt like that still. He was going to make Solomon pay, and he knew how to do it too.

The boy immediately jumped out of bed and moved it to the side as he began drawing a summoning circle. Once he finished, he started the chant, but this time he said with so emotion that he knew what servant he wanted. A servant who helped them in London, one who helped Mashu become more powerful, and one who wished to revenge even more than he did. The circle glowed bright red as red lightning-sparked off as a column of light erupted from it.

Now standing in the middle of his room was a familiar knight of the Round table in full suit of armor. The knight firmly planted her sword Clarent in the ground as her metal helmet retracted, revealing her blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. Her emerald green eyes locked with his as she gave him a smirk.

"What's up, Ryan?" Mordred stated with a laugh

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"What's up, Ryan?" Mordred stated with a laugh. "It's about time that you summoned me. So whose face needs smashing in?"

"Two words: Grand Caster.," Ryan said with a smile. "I need your help kicking his teeth in. Next time we see him, I want you to shove your sword so far down his throat that he can never talk ever again. He's going to pay for what he did to Mashu and the others in London."

"Sweet! Now you're talking my language!" the Knight of Treachery exclaimed giving him a pat on the back. "All right then, got yourself a deal. Now if you excuse me... my fathers own me a duel."

Just then, Mashu opened the door with a bright smile. "Senpai! Lunch is ready. I made your fav--Mordred?! What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Mashu. Nice to see you again.," Mordred said as she walked past the confused girl into the hallway. "Sorry, but we can catch up later. I have some family business to take care of."

With that, the knight walked off towards the kitchen as Mashu turned towards her master. "Senpai...why did you summon her?"

"I just thought we could use some extra power on our team. Besides, don't worry so much. Mordred gets along with everyone here.," the boy said with a smile.

Then suddenly all three versions of Artoria Pendragon ran by them screaming as Mordred ran after them. "FATHERS!!! Get back here and fight me!! You won't get away from this time!!!"

Mashu glared at her master as he nervously laughed. "Ok...almost everyone. So...what did you say that was for lunch? I'm starving."

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