How I met Mysterious Heroine X & Artoria Lily

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Saber Wars event. Please enjoy*

Ryan had a tough time sleeping in general. Thanks to being a light sleeper, the boy would wake up to the smallest noise or light. It also didn't help he tossed and turned all night to get comfortable. So when he was awoken at the crack of dawn because someone knocked on his door, he yelled in his pillow. He immediately got up and stormed to the door, hoping there was a reasonable explanation to why he was up.

"What do you want?!" he yelled as he suddenly noticed that someone he had never seen before stood outside his door. "Who are you?"

The person in front of him strangely looked like Artoria Pendragon, the non-Alter one except her armor and behavior was much different. She still had blond hair and emerald green eyes, but underneath her usual armor was a more girlish white dress. Her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon and in her hands was a sword that wasn't Excalibur. Also, she somehow seemed younger than Saber despite looking the same.

The girl nervously blushed as she bowed apologetically to him. "I'm so sorry to disturb you so early in the morning, but I wanted to introduce myself to you, Master. I am Artoria Pendragon, but you can call me Saber Lily, and I'm your newest Saber servant. It is a pleasure to meet you."


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"Umm...ok. So how can I be your master if I didn't summon you?" Ryan asked, generally confused. "Also, how can you be Artoria? Sure, you look the same, but my Artoria is much more mature."

Saber Lily sighed. "Well...the thing is. I just appeared. I think I was summoned due to that fact you summoned both my older self in both her good and evil forms. Also, I'm technically Artoria right after I pulled Caliburn from the stone. So think like the other forms of me as the more experienced versions."

"So basically I got you for free.," the boy stated with a small smile. " nice to meet you, Lily, but I'm goi--?!"

The boy was suddenly cut off when he noticed Saber Alter and Santa Alter came out of nowhere and saw Lily. Then they immediately glared at their master and drew their swords.

"Master....why is our younger self here?" Saber Alter asked menacingly. "Are you not satisfied with us?"

"I don't think that's it.," Santa Alter said, looking to her exact copy. "Maybe he has a fetish for us. Maybe he was going to corrupt her and do lewd things to her."

"Either way...he must be punished..," the Altered servants satiated with venom as they rushed at their master only to be knocked out by the Good Artoria and Mashu.

"That was seems my evil counterparts got the wrong idea again.," the King of Knights said as she turned to her younger self. "Hello, are our new comrade?"

The Knight Princess nodded. "'s an honor to fight alongside my future self. However, I don't know how much use I'll be...I'm not exactly the best swordsman."

"Then how about Saber just trains you?" Ryan suggested. "That way you can get stronger and I can get back to bed."

"Excellent idea Senpai!," Mash said with a smile. "I think we'll need to ray shift to somewhere though because I don't think our training facility can handle four King Arthurs. Also, since we can leave without you, I'm afraid you can't go back to sleep."

Ryan's eyes immediately filled with anger. "Oh, come on! Can't I for once in my life sleep in?!"

After they were finally getting the brown-haired boy to calm down, the group of Ryan, Mashu, Saber, Saber Lily, Saber Alter, and Santa Alter teleported to a beautiful open field. The four king of Knights immediately started to train to help Lily improve as Mashu set up a picnic blanket down under the shade of an oak tree as Ryan put down a pillow and tried to get some sleep.

"Senpai...I know you're tired, but I think that helping Lily will help us a lot.," the lavender haired girl stated with a smile as she pulled out a picnic basket and tried to give the boy a cup of coffee. "Here drunk will make you feel better."

The boy just waved her off. "I don't drink coffee. It's too bitter. Wake me when you guys want to go back. Until then, nothing is going to stop me from getting so--"

All of a sudden, something crashed down from the sky, creating a crater in the Earth. Everyone turned as they saw Ryan's left eye twitch.

"Oh come on!!!," he yelled as he looked up into the sky. "What's so wrong with me wanting to get some sleep?!"

The group then quickly looked away as they looked at the crater to see...a blue and gold spaceship. A door was suddenly kicked open as a girl that looked like Artoria in a blue and gold tracksuit wearing a baseball cap walked out with a glare.  She immediately locked eyes with the four Artorias and pulled out a sword that was Excalibur.

"Looks like it's my lucky day

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"Looks like it's my lucky day...four Saber faces right in front of me just waiting to be cut down.," Mysterious Heroine X stated with a smile. "Once you guys are gone, I will be known as the Sabers of Sabers!! Now prepare to--?!"

The Assassin servant was then knocked out by Fran as Ryan walked over and proceeded to make a pact with the new servant bed using a command seal. "Now, with that finished...I at this moment order by command seal, from now until tomorrow, no one is to disturb me until I get some sleep...also Fran after you dump our new friend in her new room, you can cuddle with me. You earned it."

Fran just smugly smiled at the other girls before walking away with her master. "My Husband..."

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