How I met Tamamo no Mae

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Fate Extra CCC X Fate/GO Event Prerelease Campaign.*

Things at Chaldea seemed to get even crazier as something seemed to be drawing near. A couple of days ago, Ryan had attempted trying to summon some brand new servants for whenever the new pseudo Singularity would appear. That's when he managed to summon the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh who warned the his master that soon he would be forced to battle a great evil. Unfortunately, Gil would not go into more detail about this so-called threat as he was summoned as his Archer class form and was too busy trying to get any of the Saberfaces to marry him.

So for the past couple of days, the Master of Chaldea was super paranoid. He spent his days trying to raise his servants to the max level which included Gilgamesh, but he would only go quest as long as Enkidu and one version of Artoria joined them. However, nothing the boy did seemed to calm his nerves. Currently, the brown-haired boy was in his room wrapped up in a blanket playing video games to calm himself down (this is actually what I do calm down).

That's when Artoria Alter barged in and locked the door behind her, causing Ryan to turn his attention to her. "Hi, Saber. What's up?"

Artoria just groaned as she walked over to her master. "Move over...I need some cuddling right."

"Ok.," the boy said as the pale blonde haired girl crawled next to him and wrapped the blanket around them both. "So...what's wrong?"

The King of Knights just glared at the boy. "Really?....Fine. It's Gilgamesh. If I have to spend one more minute with that asshole, I'm going to stab him to death."

"Why do I get a feeling you would probably get help with that?" Ryan said as he felt like all the other Saberfaces and Ishtar gladly assist Salter to kill the King of Heroes. "Still...I would rather you not kill him. I may need him soon."

"I make no promises.," Artoria said coldly thinking about running her sword through the golden arches. "Also are you still worried about what Gil said about that so-called threat? You know he's probably just messing with you."

"Possibly, but I want to be prepared just in case.," the boy admitted before he suddenly got an idea. "How about we try summoning a new servant? That way, I don't have to Gilgamesh. "

"I guess, but I want burgers for all my meals for the next month and my lemon chapter as well to make up for lost cuddle time.," the corrupted King of Knights said.

"Deal.," the Master of Chaldea said as the two immersive got out of bed and prepared the summoning ritual.

Once everything was ready, Ryan started the chant as the circle glowed a bright gold light. The light was so bright that it temporarily blinded the pair as the brown-haired boy was suddenly tackled to the ground as he felt a feminine form nuzzling against with their hourglass figure.

"Darling! You finally summoned me!" the familiar voice exclaimed. "I'm so happy! Now we can grow old together!"

Ryan's vision soon returned as he saw a familiar fox girl who had helped him back in the Fourth Singularity alongside Berserker Kintoki and the original version of one of his other servants.

"Tamamo?" the brown-haired boy asked. "Is that you?

"Of course!," Caster Tamamo no Mae said with a bright smile as she continued to smother her beloved

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"Of course!," Caster Tamamo no Mae said with a bright smile as she continued to smother her beloved. "What kind of wife would I be if I didn't answer my husband's call?"

"Husband?....," Artoria Alter growled as she stared daggers at the newly summoned servant. "Who do you think you are?"

Tamamo just turned to the Saber servant, confused. "What part of Ryan's wife do you not understand? Are you mentally disabled?"

Artoria was about to unleash another attack as the circle glowed bright gold once again blinding the trio once more. When the light died down, standing in the middle of the ring was another Tamamo and Lancer Elizabeth Bathory.

"Sweet! An NP2 Tamamo and NP2 Elizabeth! Best summoning ritual ever!" Ryan said with a smile before getting up with Tamamo while leading the other copy servants out of the room. "Come on. Let's go find Elizabeth and get your Noble Phantasms up."

"Whatever you say, Darling!" the fox girl cheered with a bright smile as she hugged her master's arm. "I'll gladly do whatever you need me to do because I love you!"

As the pair left, Artoria Alter just stood there angrily. "I don't know who is worse....that asshole Gilgamesh or this homewrecker? Either way...I need to get my man back."

With that, the altered servant chased after them not wanting Tamamo to steal her beloved master. Unfortunately for her, this was only the calm before the storm as Ryan was about to summon even more girls to his Chaldea.

Next chapter: The Seraph girls arrive

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