How I met Summer Ishtar

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*This chapter will be taking place during the first half of the 2019 Summer Event.*

After the Summer event rerun, Ryan thought that he would be able to relax until the Third Pseudo-Singularity popped up. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case as the brown haired boy not only had to deal with the antics of his female servants, but Gudako as well. After the orange haired girl had joined the harem, she immediately tried seducing Ryan into sleeping with her in her ultimate plan of getting the boy to marry her that way his harem would be hers. Everyday, the girl would try something new to try to get her fellow master fall deeply in love with him. However, members his harem were constantly with him making difficult to get alone time with Gudako. That's when she got an idea.

Currently, the crazed master was moving her stuff into Ryan's room with her servant Astolfo helping her. Gudako had planned to be finish moving into the room before Ryan came back from doing the daily quests, but as she finished putting her mystic codes in the closet, Ryan walked into the room with Mashu and Jalter right behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?," Ryan asked slightly annoyed.

"I'm moving in.," Gudako said with a smile. "If you and I are going to be man and wife someday, we need to get used to living with each other."

Jalter immediately pulled out her weapons as she began to march towards the other master. "What was that?! You're trying to steal my man?! Time to die!"

Luckily, Ryan managed to pull his "girlfriend" away as Mashu said, "Um other Senpai....I don't think you moving in is a good idea."

"Of course it is!," Gudako exclaimed with a smile. "This way, I can became the number one girl in the harem, but don't worry. You girls are welcomed in here anytime! Just invite me when the lewd stuff starts happening."

Jalter was about to break free from Ryan's grasp and go a rampage when another of his servants burst through the door.

"Hey Ryan!," Archer Ishtar exclaimed with a smile

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"Hey Ryan!," Archer Ishtar exclaimed with a smile. "I have some news for you. I have found another Singularity."

The entire group turned to the goddess as Ryan said, "Wait....really?"

"Yep. Lucky for you, I been keeping an eye out of possible Singularities and I found one.," Archer said with a smile. "Praise me."

"Hold on...," Mashu stayed getting between her master and her rival. "If there really is a Singularly, why hasn't Da Vinci contacted us?"

"You know, Mashu has a good point.," Gudako pointed out as she continued to move her stuff in as Astolfo handed her some boxes.

"That's because the Singularity I found is a threat to humanity....yet. However, if left alone, it could possibly grow to become a threat.," the Mesopotamian goddess of love stated. "Luckily, I know a ritual to stop that from happening. All we need to do is have race!"

The group just stared at her as Ryan glared at the dark brown haired girl. "If you had a way of stopping Singularities, why have we heard about this before? Also why does it have to be a race?"

"My future husband is right.", Gudako said with a nod. "Something fishy is going on here."

Ishtar just smiled. "Who cares? We have to opportunity of stopping a Singularity from forming. All we have to do is a race in these."

With that, the girl snapped her fingers as her spirit origin changed. Soon she was standing before the group in a one piece white swimsuit with a pink hoodie over it.

"Come on Master

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"Come on Master...," Summer Ishtar said with sweet yet devious smile. "Don't you want to see some of your favorite servants in sexy swimsuit while you prevent a world ending Singularity? Its a win win situation here."

Both Ryan and Gudako nosebleed at the sight of the summer goddess as they gave into her plan. The potential of new summer servants were also too much to resist.

"Come on Mashu, we need to find racers.," Ryan said as he grabbed his kouhai and ran out of the room searching for Nero and Saber Salter.

"We'll help too.," Gudako exclaimed as she and Astolfo ran off looking for Raikou and Xuanzang Sangzang. "New waifus are always welcomed."

With that, only Ishtar and Jeanne Alter were left in the room as the fallen holy maiden glared daggers at the now Rider class servant. "You're definitely up to something....what exactly are you up to, Ishtar?"

"That for me to know...and for you to never find out.," the goddess said as she ran out of the room, locked the door, and set up a bounded field preventing the Later servant from escaping and stopping her plans. "See you after the event!"

Ishtar immediately flew away as she heard Jalter's angry screams from inside Ryan's room as she desperately tried to escape. However, her efforts were futile....nothing was going to stop her from getting her precious bull back. Nothing......

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