How I met Chacha

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Guada Guada Meiji Restoration Event.*

It was a peaceful day at Chaldea. Although there seemed to be remaining Demon God Pillars hiding somewhere in history, Ryan and company were enjoying some time off (it was spring break for me when this event came out). Currently, the brown haired boy was in his room playing Kingdom Hearts 3 on Proud Mode. However, the boy wasn't alone as both Saber Okita and Archer Nobu were sitting next to him on his bed, eating his snacks and trying to steal the controller out of his hands.

"Come on Master!!," Nobu exclaimed slightly annoyed as she tried to swipe the controller. "It's my turn!"

"No, it's not! I call dibs first!!," Okita cried in retaliation.

Ryan just sighed as he ignored the two of them. "It's bad enough you two ate all my Star Crunches, but I'm not letting you play this game. I worked hard to get this game, and I don't want you to use up all my items."

"What if we offer you sex for some playtime?" Nobu suggested causing both Ryan and Okita to blush bright red.

"Nobu!!!," the swordswoman exclaimed deeply embarrassed. "Why would you suggest such a thing?!"

"Why are you acting so meek?" Demon Archer asked. "You are about to get a lemon chapter in 1.8."

Suddenly, the door burst open as a little girl wearing clothes like to Nobu's walked in. She scanned the room and immediately locked eyes with the Archer class servant.

"Auntie!!," the girl cried as she ran over to the trio. "I need your help!"

"Auntie?" both Ryan and Okita asked as they turned to the black-haired girl next to them.

"What? Why are you surprised that I have a niece?" Nobu asked, slightly offended. "Anyways, this is Chacha."

"Hi there, Auntie's Master!" the small berserker cheered

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"Hi there, Auntie's Master!" the small berserker cheered. "Are you my new uncle?"

"Yes. Yes, he is.," Demon Archer stated before getting smacked upside by Okita. "Ow!!! What was that for?!"

"You know what you did!" the Saber class servant stated coldly glaring daggers at her best friend.

"Anyways...Chacha, why are you here?" Ryan asked, deeply concerned about why and how she got to Chaldea. "Why do you need Nobu's help?"

"Oh yeah...I need some help clearing out these series creatures.," Chacha admitted. "Some followed me here."

Just then, a familiar creature came in the room as it raised its gun at the trio on the bed. "Nobu!"

With that, it shot at them as Ryan and Okita turned to Nobu while they dodged the attack. "Nobu!!! What did you do?!"

"Why do you guys think that I have something to do with this?!," Nobu asked.

"Maybe because they look like you and you used them in the past.," Chacha said, causing her aunt to glare at her. "I'll shut up now."

"Let's just get rid of this thing before it kills us!" the master of Chaldea exclaimed. "Then we can help Nobu and find out who is behind all of this, but my money is still on Nobu!!"

"Argh!!!," Nobu cried very frustratedly. "I tried to turn a Holy Grail into a nuke one time! Just let it go already!"

"This place is fun!" the brown-haired little girl said with a bright smile. "Can I stay here when this is all over?"

"Sure.," Ryan and Aunt Nobu said together as the group killed the NobuNobu before heading off to the Meiji Irregular Singularity to help Chacha which led to another crazy adventure caused by Nobu's brother and another surviving Demon God pillar.

Luckily, it was dealt with quite easy, and Ryan came home with another new servant as Chacha joined Chaldea. However, as the group returned to Chaldea, they were greeted by a useless goddess.

"Not into lolis my ass.," Stheno muttered darkly. "I starting to think you just don't like me."

How I met my Harem (The Complete Solomon Arc Edition) Where stories live. Discover now