How I met Carmilla

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Fifth Singularity right before the final battle with Medb and Cu Chulainn Alter. Please enjoy.*

The time had finally come. As Ryan and his group of servants rushed after Cu Chulainn
Alter and Medb into the White House, and the boy remembered how pain and destruction they had caused. While the Fifth Singularity was more relaxed than the last two for his group; they had faced a lot of heartbreak as they lost ally after ally. They first lost Germino, Billy, and Nero when their assassination attempt failed due to the combined strength Cu Alter and Arjuna. After that, they lost the other Scathach when she went off to fight Cu Alter alone. Then they had lost Karna when he was going to beat Arjuna in their one-on-one fight when Cu Alter stabbed the golden lancer in the back.

Now that he thought about it, all the pain they had felt had been caused by the Mad King. Now that his defeat was approaching, Ryan wanted not to only to kill him but humiliate him. That's when he remembered being said something by Roman that a particular servant could be summoned now. The boy suddenly stop in his tracks as he immediately started to draw a summoning circle.

"Senpai!! What are you doing?!" Mashu cried as the other servants stopped running, turning towards their master. "This is no time to be summoning another servant. Cu Alter and Medb are getting away!!"

Ryan's Scathach nodded in agreement. "She's right, Master. We have to avenge the other me and all of our other fallen companions who gave their lives to get us this fair. We have to kill my fallen apprentice now!"

"I know that!" the boy yelled as he finished the circle. "I want to kill him as much as you do, but I want him to feel what we feel, and I know just the servant to do it! We are going to kill the Mad King with himself!"

"Wait...what?! You're going to summon him?!" everyone cried as Ryan started the summoning ritual.

Soon the circle glowed brightly as a pillar of light erupted from it. The boy smiled, knowing he succeeded in summoning a  servant to help them in this final battle. However, his smile faded when he saw a familiar servant they had faced back in who was the future version of his only Caster servant and his second lancer. Standing in the circle now was Carmilla aka the future Elizabeth Bathory.

"Well isn't this a lovely surprise

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"Well isn't this a lovely's about time you summoned me..," the assassin class servant stated with a smirk.

"Hey, look! It's the future us!!" both Lancer and Caster Elizabeth said in unison. "The master must like us to keep summoning us!"

"'s like a first Singularity reunion..," Saint Martha said to Atalanta.

"Yeah...," the catgirl stated with a sigh. "Who wants to bet he summons another one of us within the next month?"

Meanwhile, Ryan groaned as he faces palmed due to the fact he didn't get the servant he wanted. Now he was stuck with three versions of Elizabeth...

Mashu just smirked as she walked up to her master. "You see...this is what you get for being cocky and not putting the mission first. Now you got punished for it."

Just then, the circle flared again as a familiar servant who they defeated back at Alcatraz walked out and locked eyes with Mashu.

"Mashu! My love!" Fionn cried with tears of joy in his eyes

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"Mashu! My love!" Fionn cried with tears of joy in his eyes. "It seems fate has brought us together again. Now let's go into battle and afterward I will finally make you my wif--hey! Why are you running away?! Come back!!"

"Now who's getting punished for being cocky?" Ryan said with a smile as he gestured the rest of his servants to follow. "Come on guys. Let's go finish this."

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