How I met Francis Drake

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*This chapter takes place during the second Pseudo-Singularity: Agartha right after I defeated Princess Dahut.*

Ryan was starting to get annoyed. Ever since he arrived in the Second Singularity, he was constantly getting into trouble. First, he got trapped in the Singularity with Astolfo and D'eon....well, D'eon wasn't that bad, but Astolfo was constantly trying to seduce him. Funny enough...that somehow that seemed to be the theme of Singularity as the female servants that took control of the singularity were using men as breeding materials.

One of these female servants was Francis Drake Alter...well, technically her name was Princess Dahut, a pirate princess that believed that pleasure was the only way to live. She would marry men and sleep with them only to kill them the very next morning. Heck, when Ryan and his allies raided her palace, Dahut thought he was there to propose to her and then became opposed with making him mate with her. Luckily, the team was able to with the help of Assassin Wu Zetian, despite she was only there to destroy Dahut's kingdom by destroying the dam that protected the city. The altered Drake was thought to be down with her ship.

However, after Ryan and his allies were ambushed by Penthesilea and her Amazon after facing a buffed up Hercules, the group found themselves in the underwater city known as the Dragon Palace. The city seemed to have an enchantment that allowed the group to breathe normally, but that wasn't the most surprising thing down there. Somehow, after her city of Ys was destroyed, Princess Dahut survived and was recovering in the Dragon Palace. She immediately once again tried to claim Ryan as her own causing his group to clash with her once more.

Now as she knelt down breathing heavily from her wounds, the Altered Francis Drake looked around confused.

"That wound is fatal. Victory is ours.," D'Eon said with a triumphant smile on their face.

Meanwhile, the rider class servant continued to look confused as she began to fade away. "Huh...? The hell's all this? I finally get the fog out of my head, but now everything is all weird..."

The purple haired woman then looked down at herself and laughed. "And what's with these clothes? Definitely not my style. Haha..."

That when Ryan realized that something had change about Dahut. Somehow the battle had finally knocked some sense into her and returned her to who she really was.

"Drake?," the boy asked causing his companions to gasp in shock.

Meanwhile, the woman just smiled softly at him. "Huh? I feel like you and I have met before somewhere....Ah well, it doesn't matter now that I'm fading away. Here take this."

The pirate queen immediately tossed a box towards Astolfo who barely managed to catch it. "What's this? Were you using it while we fought?

"Hell if I know. It was on me when I woke up like this.," Dahut? said. "Normally I would give up treasure like this, but since I'm dying, I think it's better if you guys have it. Man...if I hadn't lost, I'd be blowing it all on booze and drinking every last drop of it."

The woman immediately began to cough up blood. "Damn...I just got here and now I gotta go again...."

With that, the altered servant faded completely leaving some of Ryan's allies confused. Meanwhile, Ryan just stood there with tears in his eyes. He remembered the joint net he had with Drake back during the Third Singularity. Her bright smile and her wish live out her days as a pirate. He hated seeing her as the corrupted Dahut, but he hated that he had to watch her die. The boy clenched his fists so hard that he began to draw blood as his eyes filled with determination. He wouldn't let Drake's story end here as he immediately began to draw a summoning circle.

"Master? What are you doing?!," D' Eon asked very confused. "We need to go stop Penthesilea!"

"Not yet. I need to summon her.," the Master said as he continued to draw the circle.

"Who are you talking about?," Astolfo asked. "Drake, but the odds of summoning her ar—"

"Never tell me the odds!!," Ryan exclaimed as he finished the circle as it glowed bright gold blinding everyone nearby.

When the light died down, Ryan's allies stood their in shock as a familiar pirate queen stood in the middle of the circle. However, unlike a few minutes ago, she was now in her purest form as she locked eyes with Ryan and smiled.

"Are you my new master?," the rider class servant stated with a smirk

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"Are you my new master?," the rider class servant stated with a smirk. "I'm Francis Drake. Well, I hope we can work well together."

Ryan immediately walked up to woman and hug her. " too."

The red haired woman immediately blushed a deep shade of red. "Whoa there kid. Buy me dinner first next time befor—huh? You know what I'm ok with this. I mean you are kinda cute. I may just have to keep you."

"How did manage to summon her?," Columbus asked confused.

Astolfo just shrugged. "I don't know...he just got lucky I guess. Funny enough though...this is the second time Master summoned a rider servant immediately after killing her. I have to tell Martha all about this when we get back to Chaldea."

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