How I met Tomoe Gozen

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*This chapter will be taking place during the middle of Fate/GO 2019 Halloween event.*

Ryan was pissed....even more than usual during a Halloween event. For the past three years, the boy was forced to help Elizabeth with her festival which normally taken over by someone else stronger than her. The first year she forced him to attend one concert where Elizabeth's horrible singing almost killed him. Then last year, he had to help the dragon girl take back her castle from Cleopatra. Now...he had to take back the castle from a robot Elizabeth called Mecha Eli-Chan....seriously, why do the people here let Elizabeth rule them? She gets overthrown every year.

Anyways, Ryan and his servants were getting help from an Assassin servant named Osakabehime who seemed cool as she actually shared some of the same hobbies Ryan had. With her help, the group managed to climb the castle and take down Mecha Eli-Chan....only for the bat girl to betray them!! It turns out that she was the one who created Mecha Eli in order to take over Elizabeth's castle so she could live her otaku life forever. However, the Alter Ego class servant was only concerned with ruling in Elizabeth's place and to be honest, she was a much better ruler. Thanks to Ryan & the gang, Osakabehime was able to kidnap Elizabeth in order to power her army of Mecha Eli-Chan MK II and then had to the nerve to eject her former allies to the bottom of the castle alongside the weaken Mecha Eli-Chan.

Now as Ryan and his servants sat outside tending to their wounds from the fall, all the boy could think about was revenge. "Ok! That's it! I'm done with this stupid event! Nobody betrays me and gets away with it! Not even a cute otaku who I started to have feeling for!"

" had feelings for Hime, Senpai?," Mashu asked. "Actually...that makes sense seeing how you have the same hobbies."

"Not anymore!," the master of Chaldea yelled angrily. "Now she is going to feel is my wrath!"

"I have never been more attracted to you than this moment right now.," Jalter said slightly drooling as she enjoyed watching her man act out of pure vengeful rage. "Let's burn this castle to the ground!"

"Um...what about Elizabeth?," Mashu asked causing the duo to come to their senses for a moment.

"Oh yeah....I almost forgot she had been kidnapped.," Ryan admitted before he thought for a moment. "Do we have to rescue her?"

"Senpai....," the purple haired girl stared with a glare. "We are not leaving Elizabeth matter how annoying she is."

"Fine....we'll rescue the idiot.," Jeanne Alter said with a pout. "Man....I really wanted to burn the castle down...."

"Can you not do that?," Mecha Eli-Chan asked. "As the protector of this kingdom, I would rather you not burn my home to the ground?"

"Oh crap baskets!," Ryan exclaimed. "You're still alive? Man, you're endurable!"

"I think you're cute too.," the robot girl said. "Also if you're really going get revenge on Osakabehime, can I join in? While I rather not rescue the original Elizabeth, I'm more than happy to wreck that lazy Assassin's plan!"

"You're an Elizabeth after my own heart.," the brown haired boy said with a smile. "Sure. You can come with us! Now, let's go beat up some robots!"

With the party began to move towards the lest they were until Mashu said, "Um...Senpai? Doesn't Osakabehime know all of your servants now? With her army, she could possibly defeat us."

"Good point.," Ryan said as he thought for a moment before getting an idea. "Then I'll just summon a new one. I believe Musashi is currently available to be summoned. She is exactly what we need to take down an army of Alter Egos!"

The young man immediately began drawing a summoning circle as Jalter walked up to Shielder and smacked her upside the head. "Way to go. If he manages to summon her, she might become his new favorite?"

"Why would that happen?," the kouhai asked curiously.

"Because in the Third Pseudo-Singularity, they got really close and since then, Ryan has wanted to summon her.," Avenger pointed out as their master continued to draw the circle with an excited smile on his face.

"What have I done?," Mashu asked as she began to hope that the female samurai wouldn't show up.

When the circle was complete, Ryan immediately began the ritual as the circle glowed gold. His female servants began hold each other hoping that Musashi wouldn't come as the golden light blinded them all. When the light died down, the group saw a girl in Japanese armor with white hair and red eyes standing in the middle of the circle. While the others didn't recognize her, Ryan did as he remembered her from the third Pseudo-Singularity. He remembered how much a skilled and fierce warrior she was when she fought against Musashi. The servant standing before him was the Archer of Inferno.

 The servant standing before him was the Archer of Inferno

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" name is Tomoe. Others call me Tomoe Gozen.," Tomoe Gozen stated to her new master. While my entire being belongs to Lord Yoshinaka, I am loyal to you as your you have any video games?"

"Yes. I actually have several consoles.," Ryan said as he held out his hand towards Tomoe. "Welcome to the team."

"Thank you my lord.," Archer said as she noticed the other female servants glaring at her. "Why are they looking at me like that?"

"Don't mind them...," the master of Chaldea said as he pulled out a piece of paper out. "I need you to do something for me."


Osakabehime was happily sitting in her room reading some manga when a flaming arrow with a note attached flew through her door and landed on the floor in front of her. The Assassin class servant immediately put out the fire before that flames reached her precious collection. As soon as she was done, she picked up the note wondering who would date attack her.

When she opened the note, it said: Osakabehime....while you and I have similar interests, you should have realized when you betrayed messed up because now you're going to feel my wrath. Enjoy your free time while you have it because I'm coming to wreck your whole plan.
- signed Ryan, Master of Chaldea.

P.S Did you really think I would stop with only one arrow?

As soon as she finished reading, a barrage of flaming arrows hit her palace as Osakabehime and her army frantically tried to put out the fire while Ryan and his forces made their way up the castle ready to break the lazy Assassin....and reluctantly save Elizabeth Bathory.

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