How Da Vinci Joined the Harem

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*This chapter takes place during the Second Anniversary Event. I hope you enjoy this chapter.*

It's that time of year again. The day when all of Chaldea gets together to celebrate of surviving another year despite all the crazed heroic spirits or Demon God pillars that keep trying to destroy the world. Just like last year, the staff decided to throw a party once again, but instead of a Japanese festival like last year, the group decided to throw a magnificent ball. While all the girls were ecstatic about the ball...Ryan was not.

To be honest, he didn't like dances. The brown haired boy hated having to dress up and wasn't much of a dancer. So for the past week, Ryan has prepared a place to hide during the ball in a place the girls wouldn't ever find him...his room, but not the one in Chaldea. His real one back in his apartment with the door barricaded and stocked with enough food to last him two months which would be enough time for the girls to calm down about him skipping the ball.

Currently, the boy was dressed in comfortable pajamas sitting on the couch in his apartment with a smile on his face. He had gotten up early that morning to get everything ready while the girls were getting ready for the ball. Ryan had also ordered his male servants to distract the girls as he made his to the control room and rayshifted back here. Hopefully, the girls wouldn't find him...

The master took a sigh of relief as he turned on his tv and was ready to play Kingdom Hearts 2 on Critical mode when he saw a bright light shine trough his front door. His eyes immediately widened in fear as he realized someone had found him. Who had found him though? Jalter? Mashu? BB? He hoped it wasn't Scathach...that woman alone would punish him for an entire year if she found him. Then he heard his door unlock and slowly began to open as the Ryan began to pray for his immortal soul. As the door opened, a familiar feminine figure walked into the room..., but it was the one person he didn't expect to walk in.

, but it was the one person he didn't expect to walk in

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"Hey there, Ryan. So, this is where you lived before you came to Chaldea.," Da Vinci said with a smile. "By the way, next time you Rayshift somewhere to hide, you should really erase the location history."

"Oh, Da's just you.," Ryan said in relief. " the other girls know that I'm here?"

"No. I erased the location history when I got here.," the Caster class servant stated as she closed the door behind her. "So, you're safe for now."

The boy sighed in relief once again. He was grateful that Da Vinci always had his back. She was the one person in Chaldea who helped him whenever the other girls fought over him. She really was the best...too bad she's confined to Chal—wait a minute!!

"Da Vinci!," the brown haired boy exclaimed. "You're not suppose to leave Chaldea! Without the constant mana supply, you'll disappear! You have to go back!!"

"Yeah...about that.," the woman said as she sat down next to the boy. "I want to officially become your servant."

Ryan sat there for a moment. " want to be my servant? Why?"

"Well...I've taken a liking to you for awhile now.," Da Vinci admitted. "I mean you saved humanity from Goetia despite being a novice mage. You have made contacts with a ton of heroic spirits since you started two years ago. Honestly, you're the only person I want to be my master? So, what do you say? Do you want to become my master?"

The brown haired boy just smiled in response to her statement. "Sure. I would love to be the master of the great Da Vinci-Chan. So, should we made the servant-master pact?"

"Sure, but we're going to do it my way.," the woman said as she leaned towards Ryan and kissed him lovingly on the lips.

Fireworks went off in the boy's head as he immediately began to kissed the Caster servant back as the two began a fiery make out session. The two of them fell back on the clinch as they continued. After some time had passed, the two finally separated with a string of salvia between them.

"Wow....that was amazing.," Ryan said with a smile.

"Yeah. It was.," the brown haired woman said. "You're surprisingly a good kisser."

"What is that supposed to mean?," the boy asked.

"Oh nothing..., but it make me wonder what else you're good at?," Da Vinci stated with a seductive smirk.

"Oh...I see where you are going with this.," Ryan said as he kissed the woman again they began to take off each other's clothing while the screen faded to black.

To be Continued in a future chapter of How I met my Harem 1.8

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