How I met Stheno

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After somehow rayshifting to Fuyuki and meeting up with Mashu (who turned a demi-servant known as Shielder), the girl explained how the first mission was sabotaged, and a bomb went off in the control room killing all the other masters and almost Mashu herself, but thanks to Galahad, she saved by the two becoming one. Now with Ryan as her master, the two were traveling in Fuyuki determined to stop the Fuyuki Singularity by themselves.

As the two ran down the street battling legions of skeleton warriors, Ryan saw in the distance a large crowd of skeletons fighting something. The boy squinted his eyes as he saw a familiar white-haired girl fending off the skeletons with magic to the best of her abilities. The same girl who forbid him from going on the first mission: the director of Chaldea, Olga Marie.

"Mashu!," the boy cried as he kicked away a skeleton. "I think I see the director over there! She needs our help!"

"Understood, Senpai!," the girl said as the two battled their way to the director defeating any skeletons in their way.

As soon as she saw them, Olga Marie shouted, "Mashu! Thank god you're alive!! Now, he--what is he doing here?! Didn't I ban you from going on this mission?!"

"Nice to see you..." the brown-haired boy sighed as he punched a skeleton in the face and took its sword. "Be glad I decided to help you. Now less bitching and more fighting!"

*By the way, this is Ryan's sword from now on:

*By the way, this is Ryan's sword from now on:

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Now back to the story*

"How dare you!!" the white-haired girl yelled. "Who do you think you are?!"

"Umm...could you two, please stop fighting?" Mashu asked as her two companions continued to argue for the rest of the battle until all the skeletons in the area were defeated.

Once that happened, the three teenagers began to discuss what had since the explosion at Chaldea. Olga Marie sighed as she realized now that Ryan was, unfortunately, the only master left and was out of options at this point if she wanted to solve this singularity.

"Fine. You can help by finding and defeating the seven servants so we can locate the Holy Grail in this era.," she said as she turned to Ryan and Mashu. "With that said, we going to need more firepower. Mashu can't possibly defeat all seven servants on her own. We are going to need to summon another one."

"That's the smartest you've ever said.," the boy said with a smirk. "By the way, I call Lev being the guy who sabotaged the mission. Just saying it now."

"Oh shut up!" the white girl exclaimed as she and Mashu began drawing a summoning circle.

Once that was completed, Olga walked Ryan through the ritual, and then he began incantation to summon a servant. It didn't take long for it to glow and soon the three were blinded by a flash of bright light. Once the fire died, they saw a young girl with light purple hair tied into pigtail wearing an elegant white dress in front of them. Her lavender eyes opened as they locked onto Ryan.

"Haha. You are trying to summon a goddess to this world....such an interesting and poor soul. You, what is your name?" she said in an angelic voice that sounded charming, yet snobbish.

"Ryan and I are your new master

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"Ryan and I are your new master. I hope we get along fine.," the boy said, holding hand to shake.

The girl laughed. "How bold, but I think you're confused. I'm your new Mistress, and you will refer to me that way. Now I'm assassin cl--"

"Sorry, but I'm not into lolis.," Ryan stated coldly as he moved behind Mashu and groped her. "This more of my type. A shy, timid girl who is not only beautiful but are busty as well."

Mashu blushed a deep shade of red while releasing a slight moan. "Master...please stop. Now isn't the time for this!"

"Stop that, you pervert!" Olga Marie said as she whacked the boy across the head.

Stheno scowled as she looked at her new master. "Excuse me? Do you have any idea who you are talking to?! I'm a goddess and sister of Medusa!"

"Does it look like I care?" the boy said glaring back at the small goddess. "I hate people you think they're better than everyone else, but since you and I are partners now....I'll tries to be nice to you. Besides, we have work to do, Assassin."

Assassin sighed as she realized this was the first man to ever in her existence to stand up to her. While she was mad at him, she was also....somehow turned on. She now decided to make it her mission to turn this boy into her pet.

"Ok...master. Let's get to work then. I look forward to working with you in the future.," Stheno stayed with a cold smile that sent chills up the other girls spines as the group began to move towards the first servant.

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