How I met Atalanta

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*This chapter will be taking place in the Rome Singularity after the fight with Julius Caesar. Please Enjoy*

After finally defeating Jeanne Alter and recovering the Holy Grail, Ryan and his group of servants were sent to Rome to help Nero retain her throne from Roman servants. So wasn't sent that hard mostly because Saber Alter took command and crushed the evil Romans soldiers like they were nothing. The fallen King of Knights even fell Julius Caesar quickly as Saint Martha and Stheno relax while Mash served everyone tea. The poor fat emperor barely let a single sentence before he brutally killed by Saber's noble phantasm: Excalibur Morgan. However, the young master had a feeling that we're going to need more power of they were going to stop other emperors. So in the middle of the battle, the boy began to draw a summoning circle.

He was halfway done when Mash walked up to him and asked," What are you doing there, Senpai?"

"Just drawing a summoning circle.," Ryan stated casually. "Despite how we are doing; for some reason, I feel like we are going to need more firepower. So I'm going to try to summon a new servant to help us out."

"Are you try to say I'm not good enough for you, master?!," Saber Alter yelled as she finished off Julius Caesar with another Excalibur Morgan. "Am I not destroy all your enemies for you?"

"I'm not saying you don't do your job well...I want to add another soldier to our army.," the boy said nervously not wanting to anger the altered servant. "Maybe someone to give you support...not that you need it."

The King of Knights thought for a few moments. " can summon this new servant. Just make sure they are good enough to join me in combat."

"Sure...," the boy said as he finished the summoning circle and began the ritual itself.

It only took a few moments for the circle of glowing gold as a pillar of light erupted. The group shielded their eyes, and when the fire died, they all saw now standing in the circle was yet another familiar servant who once fought along Saint Martha when she was fighting for Jeanne Alter. The woman in the circle wore a green combat skirt and had a bow in hand. Her eye was green, and her hair blonde with a bit of green, but the most exciting thing about her was she had cat ears and a matching tail. This confirmed that she was the servant: Atalanta.

"Are you my master?" she asked only to see a familiar group

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"Are you my master?" she asked only to see a familiar group. "'s just you guys."

Suddenly, the Greek heroine was tackled by her old comrade, Saint Martha, who gave her a bone-crushing hug. "Atalanta!! I can't believe it's you! It must be destiny that we fight together for our new master!!"

"That's great...master, help me!!" the Archer servant exclaimed as Ryan walked towards them.

Everyone thought he was going to save her from being crushed. However, once he reached them, the brown-haired boy immediately started to pet the cat girl's ears.

"They're so soft....," he said in a trance causing the girl to blush.

"Her tail is too.," Nero stated as she put Atalanta's tail on her face. "Everyone!! Come touch this pussy!"

Soon Atalanta was surrounded by a group of people wanting to pet her. Ryan hugged her hissing at them, saying she was his Neko Waifu. Meanwhile, the rest of his servants just laughed and went back to having tea.

Well..everyone but Mash who sighed. "How am I ever going to get Senpai to notice me if he keeps summoning beautiful girls?!"

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