How I met Lancer Parvati

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*This chapter takes place during the Babylonia Anime Part II Release Campaign. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.*

It was a casual day at Chaldea. While the investigation team from the Mage Association could arrive at any day now, Da Vinci and the rest of the staff were alway prepared in cause an Irregular Singularity formed. Meanwhile, Ryan and Mashu decided to take the day off and just relax. After all, after all their adventures clearing Singularity after Singularity, both teens deserved a break and just act like normal teenagers....which meant spending the entire day watching YouTube videos.

Currently, Ryan and Mashu were laying on the boy's bed curled up next to each other while watching their YouTube videos on the PS4. The young couple who as glad that they could just sit back and relax. After all, they had already for their daily farming quests, so they had nothing better to do. At least nothing crazy could possibly happen...until suddenly a herd of Ryan's servants paraded themselves into the room. Ryan and Mashu immediately realized that everyone in the group were servants who appeared in the Seventh Singularity which included Caster Gilgamesh, Archer Ishtar, Medea Lily, Merlin, Enkidu, Gorgon Medusa, and Jaguar Cat.

"Greetings Mongrel!," the King of Heroes exclaimed with a smile

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"Greetings Mongrel!," the King of Heroes exclaimed with a smile. "I have great news! The  second part of Babylonia anime is now out!"

"Yeah! Now you watch me destroy my enemies in style!," Ishtar said before noticing Mashu was in bed with her beloved. "Hey! Why she in bed with you?! You better not be trying to get ahead of me, Mashu! Ryan is mine!"

"I don't know about that....I know he find me attractive.," Gorgon Medusa said with a seductive smile on her face. "He looks good enough to eat...."

"Down girl....," Ana said as she sprayed her future self with a squirt game. "Control yourself..."

"Sorry for the intrusion, Master.," Enkidu said bowing their head respectively. "But,  please watch our show."

"Umm....aren't we breaking the fourth wall?," Mashu asked. "I mean those are events we all took apart in."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Melin said as the group heard a loud snap as they noticed a cosmic crack in the wall. "Oh...that can't be good."

Just then, ChibiWolfsun walked into the room as everyone's widened in confusion at his arrival. The mischievous imp strode his way over the cosmic crack, took out a roll of duct tape, and covered wound with several layers. He then left as quick as he came, but gave an icy glare at the Mage of Flowers as he left.

"What just happened?," Mashu asked.

"Not important.," Ryan said as he turned towards Gilgamesh. " there any other reason you guys came by?"

"Yes!," the Caster class servant exclaimed as he opened his palm as the Gate of Babylon popped out a familiar ticket the Master of Chaldea had seen many times. "In honor of our anime's release, here's a special summon ticket that will grant you a free four star servant!"

"Hell yes!," the brown haired boy said as he grabbed the ticket, jumped out of bed, and began drawing a summoning circle. "I can't wait to see what I get this time."

"Umm...Senpai?," Mashu asked. "Should you really summoning a new servant? The investigation team will be here any day now and they will—"

The Demi-servant was cut off short as the summon long circle glowed bright gold as everyone was blinded from the bright light. When it died down, they all saw someone who looked similar to BB, Passionlip, And Meltlilith, but this girl wore a blue Hindu style dress and radiated a type of divinity. She immediately locked eyes with Ryan and smiled.

"Hello, Senpai

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"Hello, Senpai. I am Parvati, your new Lancer class servant.," Parvati said.

Ryan blushed a deep shade of red. This new servant looked just like BB, but was sweet and sincere. Meanwhile, Mashu pouted at the fact there yet another servant who consider Ryan their Senpai. He was her Senpai...not theirs. Seriously, where did these other kouhais keep coming from?

Just then, BB stormed in with fury in her eyes. "My kouhai senses are tingling! Where is my new rival?!"

That's when Parvati and BB locked eyes as their jaws dropped due to shock. "Me?!"

"Well....things just got a lot more interesting around here.," Ryan said.

"Yeah...I completely agree.," Ishtar said with a look of confusion in her face. "Why does she seem so familiar?

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