How I met Queen of Sheba

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*This chapter will be taking place after the Fourth Pseudo-Singularity: Salem.*

It was official. The Final Pseudo-Singularity had been dealt with.  After months of fighting against the remaining Demon God Pillars, Chaldea had finally completed the mission. The Incineration of Humanity was prevented, but there was still the Mage Association to deal with. While the world had been saved, aside from the staff of Chaldea, everyone on the planet believed that the Incineration of Humanity never happened. So, the Mage Association was going to investigate Chaldea for the "illegal" Rayshifts that had happened over the past two years. However, while with all the Demon God pillars were finally defeated, Da Vinci explained to Ryan that there were still possibilities of Irregular Singularities appearing before the investigation team arrived.

So, until that happened, the brown haired boy could continue act as normal. However, he couldn't help, but think about the Foreigner servant class. You see, when the brown haired boy and his servants faced off against Abigail in Salem, he thought they could handle it easily. This was partly true as Meltlilith, Passionlip, and Mecha Eli-Chan were able to defeat the Eldritch loli, but she kept on housing her powers to revive herself. It was only by sheer dumb luck that they managed to survive the ordeal. However, Ryan couldn't help, but wonder what other Foreigner class servants were capable of.

So, when he learned that Abigail could be summoned, the boy sneakily drew a summoning circle in his room (it wasn't the first time he had done this) and was about to attempt summoning Abby when someone walked into his room.

"Hey boss!," Izumi, Ryan's bodyguard, walked into the room. "What are you up to?"

"I'm trying to see if I can summon Abigail.," Ryan admitted as he pulled out a summon ticket. "We don't know if we may need a Foreigner class servant on our side for the battles to come."

The white haired girl raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Then why are you using a single summon ticket? Won't you have a better chance of summoning Abby with a ten roll?"

"Maybe...," the master of Chaldea stated. "But I'm saving my Saint Quartz for when Ereshkigal is available."

With that, the young man began the ritual as the summoning circle glowed a bright gold light which blinded the pair. When they were able to see again, Ryan saw a familiar fox like woman standing in the middle of the circle. It seemed like while he failed to summon Abby, he managed to summon another servant he met during the Fourth Pseudo-Singularity, the Caster class servant, Queen of Sheba. She was originally Abgail's servant, but was excited by the townspeople of Salem....only to return as free servant who continued to help Ryan and friends. During that time, the young man learned two things about Sheba. One was that she loved money and the second was....that she was the wife of Dr. Romani or King Solomon. The brown haired boy had to admit.....Solomon had great taste in women. However, the master of Chaldea was brought out of his thoughts when Sheba locked eyes with him.

"Oh hey, Master!," she said with a bright smile

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"Oh hey, Master!," she said with a bright smile. "It's nice to see you again! Now....let's talk about my paycheck!"

"Paycheck?," Ryan asked nervously.

"Yeah! You don't think I'm going to be your servant for free right.," the Caster class servant stated. "Now let's get started with negotiations!"

The boy immediately began to sweat bullets. Since he was a college student, he could barely afford to pay Izumi every month and knowing Sheba, she wasn't going to make this cheap. However, if he couldn't pay her, Queen of Sheba could possibly just leave and he would have wasted a summon ticket. Luckily, the day was saved when a familiar wise King of Heroes walked the room.

 Luckily, the day was saved when a familiar wise King of Heroes walked the room

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"Sheba!," Caster Gilgamesh exclaimed. "I will be the one paying you as long as you remain here. All you have to is be one of Ryan's servants secretary."

The Egyptian woman thought for a few minutes before she gave her answer. "Ok!"

"Good.," the King of Heroes said as he and Sheba walked out of the room. "Now let's go to my office where we can discuss your wage and work hours."

As the duo left, both Ryan and Izumi just stood there confused as the young man asked, "What just happened?"

"I don't know.....," the body guard said as she turned towards her employer. "By the way, do you have my paycheck for the month?"

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