How I met Nero

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Return of Nerofest event*

As Ryan walked through the halls of Chaldea, he felt that something was off. Ever since he first stepped out of his room, he noticed that all of his female servants were wearing Japanese-style gym uniforms. Sure, they were all incredibly sexy in their bloomers, but he didn't know why they were wearing them in the first place. He tried asking some of his servants why they were wearing them, but the girls just laughed and said it was a surprise.

So now, the boy walking around Chaldea trying to find out what was going on or at least find someone who would tell him what was going on. As he walked, the boy noticed a familiar-looking Saber class servant walking down the hallways in front of him. She seemed to be the regular Artoria Pendragon at first glance, but then the brown-haired boy noticed something was off about her. Her hair seemed to tied back with a red ribbon instead of the usual blue one, her eyes were a lighter shade of green than usual, and her bust was much bigger than Artoria's was.

Suddenly, Ryan realized who the girl in front of him was as he called out to her. "Nero!!"

The Roman empress immediately turned and smiled as she waved at the master of Chaldea

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The Roman empress immediately turned and smiled as she waved at the master of Chaldea. "Oh, hi, Praetor! I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Praetor? Why are you calling me that?" the boy asked, deeply confused. "Also, why are you here? I mean it's not like I'm not glad to see you, but I don't understand how you got here. The last time I saw you was during the Fifth Singularity when Cu Alter kil—"

"Please don't remind me of that. It still hurts when I think about that.," the blonde-haired girl stated slight wincing in pain before going back into a bright smile. "Anyways, I'm here to help with a new event that Chaldea is hosting. Also, I'm calling you Praetor because I'm now your servant. Roman made you do the Summoning ritual in your sleep and made sure I was summoned to set up the event."

Ryan faces palmed while he groaned. "Ok then...well, I'm glad you're here. It's always nice to have another Saber class servant, but what is this event you keep talking about? Is that the reason the rest of the girls are in gym uniforms?"

The Flower of Olympia nodded as she grabbed her master's hand and started dragging him off somewhere. "Yep! As for what the event is...well, it's just better to show now. Now, follow me, umu!"

With that, the brown-haired boy was led by Nero to an area of Chaldea that he didn't recognize. He was led through a bright doorway as he heard the sound of millions of people cheering. As they exited the door, Ryan's jaw dropped as he now in the middle of Olympic-style arena with all his servants waiting patiently for the event to begin. In the stands, many Roman people were there cheering and happily eating stadiums hot dogs.

"Nero...what is this?" Ryan asked, nervously.

Nero turned with yet another bright smile on her face. "Well, I've always loved the Olympic Games that The Greeks created, so I decided to make my version where all of your servants compete in the events. Also, I rename the games as this entire festival called Nero Fest! So Praetor.....are you ready to begin? Umu!"

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