How I met Tamamo Cat

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*This chapter takes place during the 3 Million Download Campaign.*

It had only been a couple of weeks since Ryan, and his servants stopped the Black Grail from destroying humanity in alternate Fourth Holy Grail War. Since then, the brown-haired boy had been helping his servants train and get stronger as he strategized new battle formation when the Sixth Singularity was ready to be traveled to. However, despite all the work he had been doing, life at Chaldea was not all business.

Ryan's female servants were always trying to spend time with him while competing with one another for said time. Some girls tended to get along with each other a try to share him like Nobu and Okita as well as Mashu, Jalter, and Artoria Alter. However, some girls just wanted him for themselves like Scathach, Carmilla, and Irisveil. Honestly, it felt like Ryan was in some massive harem anime, but the boy thought he could handle being around the current amount of girls he already summoned and possibly anymore he would call forth in the future.....but he didn't know how wrong he was.

Currently, the boy was just starting to wake up and he immediately woke up to see Jeanne Alter sleeping next to him. This was a regular sight for him because ever since she was summoned, she moved into his room and forced him to live with her. However, he had to admit that the dragon witch was adorable when she was asleep.

Anyways, he decided to get up and start to get to work on a new strategy for the Sixth Singularity. As Ryan was about to get up, he felt a weight on top of him as he saw something move under the covers. He immediately thought it was one of his other servants trying to do something, but as he raised the covers to see who it was, he saw....surprising. Underneath the covers was a familiar redhead fox girl only wearing an apron which he hadn't seen since last Halloween when she helped Caster Elizabeth.

"Good morning, nya!," Tamamo Cat exclaimed with a bright smile

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"Good morning, nya!," Tamamo Cat exclaimed with a bright smile. "How did you sleep, Master?"

The brown hair boy just stared her. "Umm...I slept fine, but why are you here, Tamamo? I haven't summoned you yet. Also, why are you just wearing an apron?"

"What? Do you like this?" the fox girl asked gesturing to her outfit. "I thought you would love an almost naked girl in bed early in the morning....maybe I need to serve you some more. Besides, it's my job as a maid to please my master."

The girl started to reach to pull down the boy's pants but was quickly stopped by him as he said, "It's not that I don't like this, but I'm perplexed. How did you get here?"

Tamamo just shrugged. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure...I just appeared here earlier this morning, and I noticed that I seem to have a contract with you. So I guess you just got a free servant...not that I mind because I get such a cute guy as my master. about we have some fun, Master?"

With that, the Berserker class servant grabbed the boy's pajama pants and ripped them off only leaving his boxers on. Ryan blushed a deep shade of red as he began to panic. He had no idea how he was going to get out of this, and there was no way he could talk a berserker out of not raping him...especially when its Tamamo.
However, by some miracle, Jeanne woke up to the sound of ripping clothes as she gazed up and saw Tamamo Cat about to rape her "boyfriend."

The dragon witch glared daggers at the fox girl as a menacing fiery aura erupted around her. "Well... it seems that a certain pest is trying to steal my man. I'm guessing you were just summoned, but you need to learn your place!!!"

With lighting speed, the Avenger class servant punched Tamamo in the face, surprisingly knocking her out in one punch. The maid fell onto the bed, unconscious as Ryan gulped nervously at Jeanne Alter hoping she wouldn't kill him.

"Umm... good morning?" he said with a nervous smile.

"What's so good about it? I just woke up to see you about to cheat on me.," the corrupted holy maiden stars as she grabbed the boy and pulled him close to her as she cuddled up next to him. "To repent for your actions, you have to spend all day with me and cuddle, or I'll burn you alive."

"Ok.," the boy said he looked over tho the unconscious Tamamo Cat and decided he would take to get healed later, but for now he needed to avoid being burned by Jalter as he began to cuddle with her.

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