How I met Ryougi Shiki

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*This chapter will be taking place at the beginning of the Garden of Sinners event. Please Enjoy*

Once again, another irregular Singularity suddenly appeared only one week after meeting Saber Lily, and Mysterious Heroine X as well as making contacts with both of them, and now Ryan with his group of servants were there to answer the call. However, this time was different from the time before. It wasn't a burning old Japanese city or a Halloween themed castle. It was just an average modern-day city, but that didn't stop Mashu from freaking out. She enthusiastically nerded out about everything that they saw to a broken vending to the dirty as well as smelly trash can next to it. However, Ryan knew that the girl was raised inside of Chaldea since she was young and never saw anything about the outside world. So it was okay if she nerded out a little bit.

The boy decided to look around where they had ray shifted and immediately frowned. "Are we in an apartment building?"

"I can't believe it!" Mashu exclaimed as she jumped up and down so fast that you would think she was over-caffeinated. "I must be dreaming!! Someone pinch me!!"

"Ok.," Saber Alter said as she punched Mashu in the face.

"Ow!!! I said to pinch, not punch!!," the Shielder servant screamed out in pain.

"What's the difference?," the corrupted King of knight stated. "They both caused pain. Also...they sound similar."

"Hey, can you guys please focus?" Ryan said as everyone turned at him. "We need to find whatever is causing the singularity and recover the Grail. Now...since we arrived in this very nice apartment building, I'm guessing the Grail might be in here. So let's split up and look for clues."

"Alright! I and all the other versions of myself will look in the nearest kitchen!," Mysterious Heroine X staged as she and the other versions of Artoria Pendragon except Saber Lily went the nearest apartment and busted down the door.

The brown-haired boy just sighed. "All right then...I guess everyone else will go with me."

"Hey, guys!" Roman shouted through the intercom. "I detecting a large number of enemies and an enemy servant at the entrance at the building!"

The group immediately prepared for battle as they raced towards the lobby of the apartment building. Once they arrived, their jaws dropped as standing in front of them was a lone girl as whatever other enemies were there dissolved into ash. She wore a red jacket over a blue kimono with a small knife in her hand. Her short brown hair was sort of cute, but what interesting about her was her glowing blue eyes.

"That's all?! I thought these guys would be more entertaining

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"That's all?! I thought these guys would be more entertaining.," she sighed as she kicked the ashes of the former monsters before turning and seeing Ryan and his group. " guys look strong. How about we start with the guy first?"

She then rapidly charged at Ryan so fast he could barely see her. Luckily before she rips his throat out, Scathach quickly slashed her spear at the mystery servant as Atlanta shot some arrows at her causing the servant to jump back.  However, that didn't stop her from drop-kicking the boy before throwing the knife at his heart. Mashu deflected the blade just in time as it reappears in the girl's hand.

The girl just growled as she prepared for another attack. "Come on! Stop defending him and just let me kill him. At least let him defend himself. It's not he's your mast--oh. You guys are t rouge servants are you?"

"Obliviously not you dunce.," Stheno stayed coldly as Saint Martha help the boy up. "Why does that matter?"

"It's just that I'm trying to get rid of making these monsters in this building.," the girl said with a sigh. "They keep getting in my way while I'm trying to kill people. So I want to take them out. Besides, you guys want to get rid of them too. How we team up, and once it's all over, then I can kill you all? Sound good?"

Ryan looked at his servants as they all gave him a no. However, despite her saying she wanted to kill them all, she didn't seem evil. Also, she seemed to know the area pretty well, so she could be useful.

"Sure. Why not?" Ryan said with a smile causing all the girls to facepalm. "We can always use another ally. I'm Ryan, and these are all my servants."

"Nice to meet you, Ryan.," the girl said as she put up her knife. "I'm glad you see to reason. I think I'll kill you last now after we have some fun.  I'm Ryougi Shiki by the--"

Shiki was suddenly cut off when Fran slammed her hammer down on the back of the assassin class servant's head, causing to collapse and past out. Everyone just started at the homunculus as she glared coldly at the unconscious girl.

"!" she said as she grabbed Ryan's hand and walked off.

"Hey, guys! What did we miss?" MHX said as she and the other King of Knights walked in. "Who is the new girl, and why is she unconscious?"

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