Summer Madness Pt.3

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As Ryan and his servants continued to march towards the city, the group was starting to get annoyed. So far all they done is since returning to this island is evade enemy servants while walking miles in the hot jungle. Well...only Ryan was really bothered as the girls seemed unaffected from their current predicament. His feet hurt and he hadn't had a drop of water in hours. He was tired and felt like he was going to collapse any minute. Luckily, Mashu realized something was wrong about her master.

"Hey girls.," the purple haired girl said causing the other to turn around. "I think Senpai needs to take a break."

Summer Scathach frowned. "Really? I thought you were stronger than this, Master. How to expect to get a hero someday if you can't keep up?"

"Well, we have been on our feet for awhile and Master is still human.," Martha stated. "We should find someplace for him to rest for a little while."

"Until then, I can carry him!!," Summer Kiyohime exclaimed as she suddenly grabbed the boy and held him bridal style. "Don't worry darling! I'll keep you safe and once we find a resting stop, I'll nurse you back to health...personally❤️"

Ryan immediately turned to his other servants. "Help me!"

With that, the group went to on the move again traveling as the girls quickly began looking at place to stop in order to help their master. Soon, they came to a secluded spring that had a waterfall over it. As soon as the other managed to pry Ryan from the clingy dragon girl known as Kiyohime, he drank from the spring and relaxed by putting his feet in the nice cold water.

"Ahhhh~," the brown haired boy sighed in relief. "This feels nice. Any of you girls want to join me?"

Summer Anne and Mary immediately joined their master suiting on opposite side of him as they kept Lancer away from the boy. Meanwhile, Assassin and Ruler relaxed in the nearby shade of some palm trees. However, Mashu couldn't help but feel uneasy. Something about this place felt familiar.

"Senpai? Have we been here before?," the Shielder class servant asked.

"I mean we all have been on this island before.," Ryan said confused.

"No. I mean have we been to this spring before?," Mashu asked. "I'm only asking because I'm having the strangest case of—Enemy servants incoming!!!"

Suddenly from the water, a blur of red and gold popped out as Ryan was suddenly tackled to the ground as a familiar voice said, "Gotcha!"

The master of Chaldea looked up to see a familiar smile of one of his favorite servants, Mordred Pendragon wearing a red bikini.

"Hey Ryan! What's up?," the Knight of Treachery said happily

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"Hey Ryan! What's up?," the Knight of Treachery said happily.

Ryan's servants immediately began to move towards the Rider class servant. However, they were immediately stopped when shots of high pressure water and light shot down from above. The group looked up to see yet another familiar face and Mordred's father, Summer Artoria standing near the top of the water with her gun trained on them.

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