How I met Nobu and Okita

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*This chapter takes place during the GuadaGuada Honnoji event. Please Enjoy*

It had only been one week after defeating Medea Lily in the Third Singularity, and Ryan's group of heroines were called to find yet another Grail. It seemed that another servant had come across another Irregular Grail and caused Chaldea to change into a burning Japanese town similar to the Fuyuki Singularity except the buildings were a century older. The group had just arrived in the city and were preparing to find the cause of this Singularity.

"So...who do you think has the hold the Grail this time?" the brown-haired boy asked as he tried to see if any enemies were nearby.

Mashu shrugged. "I don't know Senpai. It really could be anyone. In Fuyuki, it Saber Alter, France was Caster Giles, Rome was Romulus, Okeanos was Medea Lily, and the first Irregular Grail was...Elizabeth. That's a lot of casters with grails."

"So you're saying it's Caster who has the Grail?," Stheno stated. "It might be true due that's the servant class we've seen with the Grail the most."

"Maybe that's because only the best servant class can hold the Grail.," Elizabeth stated with a smile.

"Or the stupidest...," Saber Alter said as she ate some chicken.

"What did you say?!," Caster yelled glaring at the Alter servant. "I dare you to come over and say that to my face!"

The corrupted King of Knights just sighed as she ignored the Vampire as she noticed her master drawing a summoning circle. "Master? What are you doing?"

"Just bringing some reinforcements...after how tough the Third Singularity was( I only beat it thanks to Prototype Cu)I think we could use more allies.," the boy stated as he finished drawing the circle. "Now...let get started."

All of a sudden, a servant with black hair and red eyes wearing a red Japanese military uniform jumped out of nowhere and stood in front of the group. "Hi there, friends! Nobu, Best Archer servant here. I just happened to be passing by and thought you all came to recover the Holy Grail. I would gladly like to give you my aid in your quest!!"

 I would gladly like to give you my aid in your quest!!"

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Mashu frowned. "Umm....hi. I'm Mashu, and this is my master Ryan, but how did you know we were here to recover the Grail?"

"My money is on that she is the one with the Grail. She's probably trying to trick us by making us think she's an ally so she can later stab us in the back except she's not good at it.," Saber Alter stated coldly. "Proving my point, the Grail only goes to idiots like Elizabeth."

"Stop saying that!" the Caster servant exclaimed angrily. "Besides, that would also include you because you had the Grail in Fuyuki!"

The corrupted King of Knights just laughed. "That's not true. I only guarded the Grail. I never used it. Suck on that, slutty dragon witch!!"

The two servants were about to start fighting each until Ryan finished then summoning ritual causing the circle to glow brightly as a pillar of light erupted in front of them...and on Nobu. When the light cleared, the group saw a girl with a pink samurai outfit who looked strangely similar to Saber Alter except her hair cut short length and a pink bow on her head sitting on the Archer servant. In her hands was a Japanese katana.

"I've arrived! Shinsengumi's First Unit Captain, Okita Souji! Are you my master?" the girl asked Ryan before looking down at who she was sitting on

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"I've arrived! Shinsengumi's First Unit Captain, Okita Souji! Are you my master?" the girl asked Ryan before looking down at who she was sitting on. "Oh! Hi Nobu!"

"Hi Okita....nice to see you again, but how about you do me a favor AND GET OFF ME!!,"
Nobu yelled, causing the Saber servant to get up and walk over to her new master quickly.

"So you two know each other?" the boy asked generally surprised by this.

"Of course we do...she's my best friend!" the Archer servant stated. "Now come along new friends. Enemy servants are nearby! Let us fight together as comrades!"

"Yes! Let's go to battle!" Okita exclaimed as she and Nobu grabbed Ryan's arms as they dragged him off.

The other girls sighed as Mashu said, "Come on...we better follow them. I don't want Master getting in trouble because of those two. Also, we'll play along in Nobu's stupid game until she reveals her true intentions...then we kick her ass."

The other servants nodded in agreement as they followed their master being dragged by two stupid, yet active servants. However, unknown to the group as they left, the summoning circle glowed again as another servant was summoned to join Ryan's group. Now standing in the ring was a tan man with white hair and wearing red combat clothes stood ready to join his new master only to see everyone else leaving him.

"Are they going to leave me here even though I just got here

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"Are they going to leave me here even though I just got here...I been better to follow them.," Archer Emiya stated as he began to ran after the group. "Wait for me, Master! I'm coming to sav--is that Saber?!"

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