How I met Jeanne D'Arc

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*This chapter was in honor to Fate/GO USA First Anniversary. Please Enjoy*

After his date with Jeanne Alter, the boy woke up the next morning to find the Chaldea had been transformed into a Japanese style festival. His servants were all dressed in yukatas as they enjoyed the festivities as the games and food carts were surprisingly ran by multiple different version of Hassan of Hundred Personalities. While he was slightly concerned about that, the boy turned to see Mashu running up to him with a smile on her with a candy apple in her hand.

 While he was slightly concerned about that, the boy turned to see Mashu running up to him with a smile on her with a candy apple in her hand

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"Hello, Senpai! I'm glad to see that you are finally up and ready to join the celebration!" the Shielder servant stated with a bright smile.

"Umm...hi what exactly is going on?" the boy asked. "Why does Chaldea look like this? What exactly are we celebrating?"

"Well aren't you full of questions?" a familiar voice said causing the two to turn to see Jeanne Alter in her yukata with a bunch prizes from the game booths. "How do you not know what is going on? Have you been living under a rock for the past couple of days?"

 "How do you not know what is going on? Have you been living under a rock for the past couple of days?"

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Ryan just gave the altered servant a cold glare. "Well...I've been passed out cold since you made me nosebleed when you tried to seduce me last night after our date! So excuse me if I don't know what's going on!!"

" tried to seduce Senpai?!," Mashu exclaimed as she glared at the fallen holy maiden with a dark aura radiating off her. "I thought you two were just having didn't say anything trying to steal him for himself."

The Avenger servant gulped nervously as she looked away from both her master and best friend giving her dark glares. "Well...I just wanted to...anyways, and our date was three days ago. So I guess you have been out of it, so it makes sense that you don't know what's going on. We're celebrating one year of fighting alongside you, Ryan. Thanks to all your hard work that six of the seven Singularities have been restored."

"She's right, Senpai. We're so grateful to have a great master like you.," Mashu said with a soft smile before glaring at Avenger. "Also the nice change of subject, but I haven't forgotten that you tried to steal Senpai......"

"'s hard to believe it's been a year since we started this whole mission and I wouldn't have made this far with all of you by my side.," the brown-haired boy said with a smile. "We have been through a lot. We fought dragons, Romans, pirates, robots, Celtic warriors, and Holy Knights to get this point. I guess it's worth celebrating our achievements. So let's go have some fun!"

"Yeah! Let's go!" Jeanne Alter said as she hoped that would distract Mashu from killing her.

Mashu just sighed. "Fine...I'll get her later. For now, I'll rather hang out with Senpai."

With that, the three began walking around the festival playing games and trying the various types of delicious food. However, after an hour of walking around, the boy noticed that a Hassan wasn't running one of the booths. This one seemed to be run by...smaller version of himself. It wasn't like he look like a child but look like an original short version of himself wearing the same clothes, but had a mischievous look on his face.

"Hey you!" he called, causing Ryan, Mashu, And Jeanne Alter to come towards him and his booth. "Want to a prize?"

"Don't you mean you want to play a game?" Mashu asked. "Also why do you look like a smaller version of Senpai?"

The smaller Ryan shook his head. "No, I'm going to give you a prize. Trust me, and you'll like it. Also....I'm not answering that second question. I'm just a humble street vendor. "

"I doubt that...," Avenger stated giving the small being a look. "He seems like a troublemaker. I say we kill him and be fine with it."

ChibiWolfsun smirked at the girl. "I would love to see you try to kill me. It's been a while since I had some fun."

"So what do I have to do get this prize?" Ryan asked, hoping to defuse the situation.

The smaller version of the brown-haired boy smiled. "Oh it's nothing too hard....just give your money!!"

Suddenly with superhuman speed, the small creature pulled Ryan's wallet from out his pockets and took out all the money of out it. The brown-haired boy and his servants' jaws dropped as they couldn't believe that the creature was that fast. What exactly was he?

"Pleasure doing business with you. Enjoy your prize.," ChibiWolfsun said with a smirk. "No, refunds!"

With a snap of his fingers, the small creature and his booth disappeared. However, in his place was familiar blonde hair young woman with silver armor. In her hands was a white flag that she used in combat back in France. Jeanne Alter's eyes widened as she saw the one person she could stand right in front of her: the true Jeanne D'Arc.

"Hello again, Ryan and Mashu

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"Hello again, Ryan and Mashu. It's been a while since we've last seen each other.," Ruler said with a bright smile. "I'm glad to be finally called to be your servant and fight alongside you again. Now, who's your fri--why is she here?!"

"I was about to ask the same thing! Why are you here, you damn holy woman?!," Avenger said as the two versions of Jeanne lunged towards each other and began to fight each other.

"Well...I guess your prize was a brand new servant Ruler Jeanne, Senpai.," Mashu said as she turned to see her master crying. "What's the wrong Senpai?!"

"That little jerk stole all my money!!," the boy yelled before sighing. "Well....luckily, there was only thirty dollars in there, and he at least didn't steal my credit card. me, separate Ruler and Avenger, before they kill each other."

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