How I met Summer Raikou

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Second half of the 2019 Summer Event.*

When Ishtar first recruited Ryan for the her summer race, he thought it was good idea. It was something fun that everyone could do while preventing a singularity from fully forming. Sure, it was a bit suspicious that Ishtar was suddenly wanted be helpful, but at least he got to see a new group of female servants in swimsuits. Fran looked even adorable tha she does in her swimsuit while Nobu was being even more awesome than usual as she and MHX across the track. However it seemed no one could catch up the team of Nero and Saber Alter as they hummed Christmas music as they blasted down the track.

Unfortunately, as soon as the racers where about to cross the bridge near the finish line, they were attacked by and dragged to an underground prison run by Medb. The racers were placed in jail cells for racing illegally through Medb's land. In order to free the racers and finish the race, Ishtar dragged Ryan into the prison...where Ishtar was suddenly turned into a chibi version of herself because of Medb's over powering control in her prison. Not long after, they were placed in jail alongside the racers as the prison guard Nightingale went off to get the Warden so she could make the brown haired boy her own.

"Well.....this sucks.," the master of Chaldea said with a sigh. "We really should have made a plan to get everyone out before we came down here."

"Hey! It's not my fault!," Chibi-Ishtar yelled at the boy. "As the master, you should have known about the bound field that boosts Medb's power above my own!"

"How was I supposed to know that?!," Ryan yelled back. "We didn't know this prison was even here! Besides, you the one who organized the race?! How come you didn't know Medb?!"

"Why you little...," the chibi Rider class servant growled. "Don't make me run you over with my scooter!!"

 "Don't make me run you over with my scooter!!"

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"Now stop fighting you two.," Lancer Summer Raikou said as she walked between the two. "Arguing is going to get us nowhere. Though Master....there's lesson to be learned here. Next time you agree to help a girl because she's wearing skimpy swimsuits, you should say no and just spend the day with your mother instead."

The other girls just groaned as they heard this. Ever since Raikou showed up for the race, she believed that she was the boy's mother and was determined to keep her son from being seduced by the girls....despite the fact she was one wearing the most seductive swimsuit in the entire group. Throughout the race, she kept trying to get the boy on the track with her and Xuanzang Sangzang to do some mother and son bonding done. Luckily, he was the finish line hanging out Mashu so they could monitor the race from there. However, now that he was here, the mother was constantly in between him and the other female servants.

" know Master isn't your actual son right?," MHX pointed earning a seat glare from the Lancer class servant.

"Nonsense! He's is my son and the head of disciplinary committee of Chaldea, I need to keep away those who will try to corrupt him!," Raikou exclaimed as she pulled the boy into her breast. "All my son needs is my divine protection!"

"You realize that you're suffocating him right now?," Summer Nobu stated as the group saw the boy gasping for air while trying to avoid death by delusional mother.

Summer Raikou sighed as she reluctantly let Ryan go as he managed to catch his breath before saying, "Oh man....I thought I was going to die for a second there. Anyways, does anyone have any ideas to get us out of here because I rather not become Medb's new plaything."

That's when MHX said, "We can always use these spoons that gave us when Nightingale served us lunch earlier to dig our way out. We could even race to see who gets out first."

"That's a great idea. I could even add it to your overall scores for the race!," Chibi-Ishtar exclaimed. "Alright everyone! Let's start digging!"

With that, the teams began digging away as Ryan began think about which team he wanted to go with for protection. MHX and Nobu made the most since thanks to class advantages. However....someone else had another idea.

"Praetor!," Summer Nero called. "Do you want to come with us? You have been chewing on us the most!"

"Yeah. Come with us.," Maid Alter said with a soft smile. "We can spend some quality time together."

Ryan liked at the two summer servants and nodded. He could escape from Medb's clutches and spend some time with two of his favorite servants. The brown haired boy began to walk towards the pair, but was immediately yanked back as he tuned to see Summer Raikou glaring daggers at him.

"Oh no you don't!," the Demon mama said. "You will becoming with me young man! You will stay where I can see you at all times! There will no quality time with other girls than your mother from here on out!"

"What does that mean?!," the boy asked hoping it wasn't what he thought she meant.

The Lancer class servant just smiled as she flung her so over her should and began to walk away. "As of today, I'm officially your servant and mother, now let's get going! I need to get you home as soon as possible!"

Nero and Artoria pouted as they watched their master being dragged away by his "mother." Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do about they went back to digging in order to win the race. Meanwhile, Ryan was stuck digging alongside Raikou Theo kept trying to baby him the entire way. Luckily, Xuanzang Sangzang was there to keep him company and sane. At least this jail break had something good about it.

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