Summer Madness Pt.1

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*Since I managed to summon multiple summer servants during the Fate/GO 2018 Summer Event Rerun, I decided to write an original story to explain how the Summer servants came to Chaldea a year after their original event. So I hope you enjoy this chapter.*

??? POV
It wasn't fair....why did he get all the attention? All the love? All of the drop dead gorgeous servants!!! He was just a random college student that Chaldea brought in at the last second before the incineration of humanity...yet somehow he was able to save the future of humanity while I was kept on ice!! Even after all the times I escaped and tried to be like him, Chaldea would simply capture me and try to put back in stasis. Luckily, I managed escape each time....and this time, Ryan and his harem will be mine!!!!

"Hey! Can you stop acting crazy for a few seconds?," my ally said. "We need to get started  if our plan is going to succeed."

"Right...sorry. I kinda lost myself there for a few seconds.," I said with slight blush on my face. " exactly are we going to pull this off again? I mean you can't just make a Singularity appear out of thin air!"

My ally simply laughed at my statement. "Maybe you can't.....but I can! Now, let's get this party started!!"


The first thing that Ryan felt when he woke up was the sand he was laying on. Then it was the sound of the waves and the bright light of the sun shining down the n his eyes. Immediately, the brown haired boy knew something was wrong because he definitely went to bed in his bed last night. As he began to sit up, he realized he was on a beautiful beach, but as he turned to see a familiar statue of...Mordred?! That's when he realized where he was.

"Oh no....not  this place again.," Ryan muttered shivering fear. "Why?! Why am I on this island again?!"

The master of Chaldea immediately remember when he and several of his female servants got trapped on this island one year ago. The girls led by Scathach decided to treat this as a vacation as they dressed up in swimsuits while they forced him to build an entire freaking city for them live in while trying to find a way back to Chaldea. Now...he was here again.....was he going to have to relieve one of the worst experiences of his life all over again?!

"Great...just great.," Ryan stated in defeat. "I guess this is another rerun event. Well, I guess I should look around for Mashu and the others."

The boy began to walk around the beach as he realized something was off about the beach. Last time, the island was inhabited by intelligent boar piglets, but none were to be seen. Also, the island seemed to a mix between the original structure the girls had made him build and the city they forced him to build later. If this was really a rerun event, there shouldn't be anything here, but a lush and dangerous jungle. Something was definitely wrong here.

Suddenly, a high pressured stream of water shot at him. Ryan barely had time dodge as the water cut his left cheek drawing some blood.

"Whoa!," the boy exclaimed thinking that a certain summer archer shot at him. "Hey! Artoria! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Out of the forest, a petite figure walked out with a water gun in hand. However, it wasn't the King of the a certain pink haired trap.

it a certain pink haired trap

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