How I met Lancer Artoria

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Fate/GO USA Tour event*

If there was one thing that everyone knew in Chaldea, it was that Ryan had a strong Artoria fetish. For some strange reason, the brown-haired boy was determined to summon every last version of the King of Knights. However, while he managed to summon most variations, there were still versions of Artoria the master had yet to summon, and it crushed him whenever he failed to do so. Many of Ryan's servants could always remember when he was unable to summon Summer Artoria last summer. The boy was so depressed that he almost let Berserker Lancelot and Mordred burn Chaldea to the ground.

Ever since then, the people at Chaldea silently prayed whenever a new version of the King of Knights appeared, that they would answer his call. So far, Mysterious Heroine X Alter had responded to Ryan's summons and was adjusting well to life at Chaldea. However, the brown-haired boy was not satisfied with some strange reason. There seemed to be something on his mind as he wearied into his room and locked the door behind him. So currently, Mashu, Jeanne Alter and Artoria Alter were staring at the door waiting for their master to come out.

"What do you think Senpai is doing in there?" Mashu asked, deeply concerned about her beloved master.

"He's probably jacking off.," Jalter stated bluntly causing to earn glares from the other two girls. "What?! I mean, why else would he lock the door?"

"Maybe he is just trying to get some sleep.," Salter said in a hopeful way. "I mean we all know he has been having some problems sleeping (this is true)."

Mashu nodded in agreement. "Yeah...Maybe that's it."

"I still say he's jacking off in there.," Jeanne said once again earning death glares from her comrades. "Stop glaring at me like that."

Just then, Da Vinci ran up to the trio with shortness of breath. "Mashu!! Where is Ryan?!"

"He's in his room right now, but what is wrong?" the kohai asked deeply concerned. "Has another Singularity appeared?!"

"No! Another version of Artoria is available to be summoned!!!," the genius exclaimed causing the other girls' eyes to widen. "He's after Lancer Artoria again!"

You see, ever since the Sixth Singularity, Ryan has been obsessed with summoning the Lion King for the two reasons. The first one was to reunite Bedivere with his king, and the second was for....other reasons. However, for the past sixth months, Artoria had rejected his call every time. If she refused the boy this time, it could be catastrophic for Chaldea.

Just then, light shined from behind the door, and the girls could hear Ryan yell, "Yes!!!!!"

"That's it! I'm breaking down the door!," The Fallen Saint of Orleans said as she busted down the door as she and the other girls rushed into the room.

Once they were inside, they saw their master on his hands and knees with a smile on his face while tears of joy ran down his face. Standing in the middle of a summoning circle was a familiar knight riding a pure white steed and wearing silver armor. The knight ignored the intrusion as she turned to the young man kneeling before her.

With a single moment, the Lion King removed her helmet to reveal her beautiful blonde hair and emerald green eyes. "I shall answer your call. I am your servant, Lancer. With this lance, I'll be your strength."

"Oh hell yeah!!!," Ryan exclaimed excitedly

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"Oh hell yeah!!!," Ryan exclaimed excitedly. "This is the best day ever!!"

That's when both the boy and Artoria noticed the other girls had barged into the room. "Did you girls just break my door down?"

"Master? Are these girls friend or foe?" Lancer asked glaring at the other women in the room.

"I'm his girlfriend, and the rest of them are just co-workers.," Jeanne said, earning death glares for the third time from Mashu and Artoria Alter. "What? It's the truth."

Ryan just sighed. "It's a good thing that Lancer answered my summons because nothing can ruin my mood today, but you're replacing my door. about we give Lancer a tour of Chaldea?"

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