How I met Ishtar

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*This chapter will be taking place near the end of the Fate/GO 2018 Christmas event*

Why couldn't this stupid Christmas event be over already?! It was bad enough when Ryan and Jalter Santa Lily first set out as they were attacked by the servants who they gave presents too. It got even crazier when Hercules, Saber Lancelot, and Nitocris joined the crew as Hercules would beat up anyone who didn't like their gifts and Lancelot would spend the entire time hitting in Nitocris. However, got even worse when Jack and Nursery Rhyme wanted to see the ocean.

It should have of been such as an easy task to do, but Shiro Kotomine, Archer Emiya, Gilgamesh, and Leonidas decided to test Santa Lily to help her figure out what she truly desired. However, all it did was annoy Ryan to no end. He gladly ordered Hercules to break the other male servants' legs as he wanted to do go home at this point. So as the three child servants were crying their eyes out on the beach as Ryan's other servants watched over them, the brown-haired boy was counting down the minutes until he could go back to Chaldea.

"Is everything ok, Master?" a familiar voice asked, causing the boy to turn to see Ruler Jeanne D'Arc walking up next to him.

"That depends...why are you here?" Ryan asked, slightly annoyed.

"I'm just here to see how you all are doing.," Jeanne stated. "You guys have gone so long that I started to get worried. Why do you look so annoyed?"

"It's a long story and one full of idiotic crap that's giving me a migraine just thinking about it.," the Master of Chaldea said with a deep sigh. "I think I just want to go home and sleep for twenty-four hours."

The holy maiden immediately took her master's hands and squeezed them to reassure him. "I'm so sorry that this adventure stressed you out so much. I'll do anything to relieve you of this stress."

"Anything?" the boy said as he started getting a slight nosebleed from the impure thoughts forming in his head. "Well...maybe you can help me by letting me fu—"

"Mister Reindeer!" Santa Lily cried as she walked up the couple holding out a gift box in front of her. "I want to thank you for all your help. So here...this is from me to you."

"Thanks...," the brown-haired boy stated as he took the gift and proceeded to open it to see it was thirty Saint Quartz. "More Saint Quartz! Awesome!! I know exactly what I'm going to use these for."

With that, Ryan immediately started drawing a summoning circle as the rest of servants watched in anticipation. Once the circle was complete, the boy immediately began the summoning chant, and the ring glowed a rainbow light. The light flared, causing everyone in the area to be temporarily blinded. When the fire died down, the group saw standing in the middle of the circle a beautiful young woman wearing not much clothing and adorned in gold jewelry. Her very presence seemed to radiant beauty, and her crimson red eyes immediately locked with Ryan's.

"Well, hello there

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"Well, hello there. I, the goddess Ishtar, has responded to your summons.," the newly summoned Archer class servant stated with a smirk. "As the Goddess of Beauty, I rule over Venus, govern fertility, war, and destruction, so you had best love me deeply..."

"Hello, nurse! How you and I go out so—?!"
Lancelot started to say before getting knocked out by Hercules.

"Wow...I finally have a five star Archer....," the boy said as he suddenly hugged the goddess and started crying tears of joy. "This is the best Christmas ever. I take every bad thing I said about this event!!"

"Hey!!! Who said you could hug me so suddenly?!" Ishtar exclaimed blushing a deep shade of red. "You're lucky I'm not killing you right now....though this does feel nice, it's not like I like you, ok! I just like receiving praise!."

"So cute!!," Ryan cheered hugging the Archer class servant tighter. "I got my very own tsundere!"

"Great...another girl to compete against for our master's love.," Jeanne said with a groan before glaring at her younger self. "Way to go Lily..."

"At least he's happy.," Santa Lily said with a smile before realizing something. "Wait a minute...when did you say something bad about my event?"

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