How I met Saint Martha & Saber Artoria Alter

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*This story will be taking place during the First Singularity and the reason these two are together is that I summoned them on the same 10 Roll

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*This story will be taking place during the First Singularity and the reason these two are together is that I summoned them on the same 10 Roll. Please Enjoy*

As Berserk Rider faded away after leaving her hopes with Ryan and his servants to stop Jeanne Alter, the brown-haired boy clenched his fists in anger. Ever since he, Mashu and Stheno defeated Saber Alter back in Fuyuki, they continued to lose people. They lost Olga Marie when Lev (who was the one who betrayed Chaldea and sabotaged) killed her, saw all the damage done by Jeanne Alter and her forces, and finally he had to watch a gentle soul forced into madness die right in front of him. Ryan could no longer stand for all the evil he had seen. He wanted to end this Singularity, no just his new friends and the future of humanity. He wanted revenge for Berserk Rider who fought against her orders and let them win so they could stop Jeanne Alter.

"Mashu!" the boy yelled, causing all the servants around him to flinch at this sudden burst of anger. "Draw a summoning circle. I think it's time for reinforcements!"

The girl next to him just nodded understanding how her master felt. "Yes, Senpai. I understand. I'll draw the circle right away."

"Is this the time? I mean I can takedown of the Fake Jeanne's dragons easily.," Stheno stated snobbishly. "Why do we need reinforcements when you have a goddess on your side?"

"Shut up! You know we need all the help we can get right!" the boy exclaimed as began the summoning ritual as Mashu finished drawing the circle. "Now give me the power that I need to protect my friends!!!"

With that, the summoning circle flashed a bright light blinding everyone in the area. Once their vision returned, everyone gasped as they saw a familiar purple-haired woman who just faded a few minutes ago return this time not as an enemy, but an ally to fight against her former mistress's villainy.

 "Oh Hello again

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"Oh Hello again.," Saint Martha said slightly confused. "I didn't expect to see you all so soon. It looks like my work here isn't done just yet."

" its not.," Ryan said with a smirk. "Welcome to the team, Rider. Happy to have you abroad."

The holy maiden just giggled as she stepped towards her new master and kissed him on the cheek. "Happy to be abroad master. Now let's save France."

The boy just blushed a deep shade of red as the group welcomed their new friend. However, due to their celebration, the group failed to notice the summoning circle starting to glow blood red as hellfire sparked off the edges. Suddenly, a column of fire erupted from the summoning circle, causing everyone to move away.

"Senpai! What did you do?!" Mashu exclaimed as she hid behind Ruler.

"I don't know!!," the boy said as he grabbed Saint Martha by the waist out of fear causing to blush.

The fire quickly died out, but in the middle of the summoning circle stood a pale blonde female in black armor and a demonic-looking sword. Ryan and his servants rapidly recognized her from when they fought her back in Fuyuki when she was guarding the Holy Grail. Now standing in front of them was Saber Alter glaring at everyone ready to kill them all.

"I have come in response to your summon

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"I have come in response to your summon.," the corrupted King of Knights stated as she quickly saw three familiar figures. "Oh, not you guys again! Does that mean he's my master now?!"

Everyone quickly pushed Ryan in front of them, hoping he could control the altered servant in front of them. He promptly shot them all a glare before sighing trying to control his fear.

"Yes. I'm your master now, and I expect you to help me defeat my enemies.," the brown-haired boy said, trying to act as calm and collective as possible. "Can you do this for me, Saber?"

Saber Alter sighed. "Sure. Just point me at the enemy, Master. I want to crack some skulls..."

"Really? You're just going to obey me...just like that?" the boy asked, slightly surprised.

"Yes. Just like that. I am a servant, and my job is to obey you, my master.," the black knight said as she grabbed the boy's hand and started to drag him in a random direction to look for enemies to kill. "Now let's go already before I use my blade on you instead."

The rest of the group sighed in relief as the Ruler turned to Mashu. "I'm glad that turned out well. I think we have a chance now."

"Yes. I think you're right.," the Shielder servant stated. "But we should probably hurry. I don't think Saber will wait long for us."

"I'm just glad she didn't try to kill us...again.," Stheno said in a sigh.

"Don't worry. If she hurts you, I'll heal you.," Saint Martha said with a smile. "I know how weak you are. I did almost kill you earlier."

The goddess just turned to the holy woman glared. "I hate you..."

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