Summer Madness Pt.4

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??? POV
It was almost time. Soon that boy will arrive in the city and as soon as he does, I can finally enact my true plans. It's kinda funny that Gudako has realized I've been using her, but she's not the smartest of masters. I mean she has been so busy preparing for Ryan's arrival that she didn't even notice me summoning my ultimate weapon. Now all I have do is wait....wait for the revenge I've longed for three freaking years! Nobody and I mean nobody breaks a deal with and gets away it!!!!


Ryan should have realized that Gudako would return again. The other master of Chaldea has been a nuisance for the past two years ever since she recovered from Proffessor Lev's attack. First, she tried kidnapping his servants and tried brainwashing them into serving her. Then she tried seducing at gun point during Shinjuku only to be stopped by Saber and Jeanne Alter. Now, she caused a freaking Singularity just to steal his servants again....seriously?! When was this going to end?! It was time to deal with orange haired girl once and for all.

As Ryan and his group continued to make to their way to the city, the group was ready to do whatever it took to defeat Gudako. After all of the craziness they had to deal with, it was time to teach the crazy girl a lesson she would never forget. However, as they walked into city limits, the group was greeted a familiar looking servant. Mashu and Ryan both immediately recognized the young woman waiting for them though it took awhile to remember her. However, since they had seen her since the First Singularity when she sacrificed herself to hold off Assassin Sanson, it was understandable why they didn't recognize the former Queen of France at first.

"Hey there, Ryan and Mashu!!!," Summer Marie Antoinette exclaimed with a bright welcoming smile on her face

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"Hey there, Ryan and Mashu!!!," Summer Marie Antoinette exclaimed with a bright welcoming smile on her face. "It's been so long since I've seen you two. Are you here for the party being held at the city hotel too?"

Ryan's servants immediately got into defensive stances seeing how they had been attacked by every servant they had come across so far. However, the brown haired boy managed to catch what Marie said.

"Hold on. Party?," the boy asked confused. "What party?"

The Caster servant gasped. "You didn't know about the party?! I thought you guys knew. Miss Gudako has been preparing a huge party and everyone on the island has been invited."

"Miss Gudako?," Mashu said confused. "Isn't she your master?"

"Nope. I'm a rouge servant.," the Queen stayed bluntly. "I've been roaming around the city just trying to find something to do. So when I heard about the party, I just had to go. You guys want to go with me?"

"Umm...sure.," Ryan stated hesitantly before getting an idea. "However, only one condition, you agree to become my servant."

The French Queen thought for a few minutes and shrugged. "Ok! Now let's go!"

"Senpai!! What if this is a trap?!," Mashu asked deeply concerned.

"Maybe it is....but we don't know what we're walking into.," the boy stated. "So, let's just play along for now and go from there."

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