How I met Xuanzang Sanzang (Updated)

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*This chapter takes place during at the very beginning of the Xuanzang Coming to the West Event. Please enjoy*

As Ryan woke up, he found himself not in his bedroom or even Chaldea, but a cold, damp cave wearing a black dress shirt and tan pants. He immediately remembered that he was meeting Mashu in Rayshift room to go on a date with her. They were going to a nice restaurant when suddenly he was ray shifted to an unknown location by himself. Well... he thought he was by himself as he immediately noticed a gorgeous woman who was wearing a loose monk robe showing off a white bikini.

"Oh! You look like you regained consciousness!" the woman said greeting the boy with a bright and gentle smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Well....other than being deeply confused and scared about what Mashu is going to do me when I get back to Chaldea, I guess I'm ok.," the brown-haired boy admitted. "So, who are you, and where are we?"

"I'm Xuanzang Sanzang, a Caster class servant!" the woman said again with another smile

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"I'm Xuanzang Sanzang, a Caster class servant!" the woman said again with another smile. "We are currently in a cave somewhere in China. I was going on a pilgrimage with my disciples when we got separated, and while looking for them, I found you on the ground unconscious. So, what's your name?"

Ryan smiled back as he rose to his feet "I'm Ryan, a master from the Chaldea foundation. I was brought here by accident, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get home."

"I'm sorry to hear that.....I wish I knew how to help you...," Xuanzang said with a frown before quickly smiling again. "I know! How about you help me search for my disciples while you try to figure things out. If you do well enough, I'll also make you one of my disciples!"

The boy thought for a moment as he shrugged. "'s not like I have anything better to do. Though I do have a request: if I help you, you have to form a master-servant pact with me!"

"Ok!" the woman said without any hesitation. "From now on, you're my disciple, and I am your master! Now come on, Ryan! A brand new adventure awaits us!"

As Xuanzang ran out of the cave, Ryan immediately began to laugh nervously. "Why do I get the feeling she just misunderstood what I said? Oh well, better catch up to her before she gets too far."

With that, he followed the Caster class servant out of the cave and began a grand adventure which eventually turned into an official partnership between the two of them. Finally, Xuanzang understood Ryan's request and officially became one of his servants as she returned to Chaldea with him alongside a Lancer-class servant known as Li Shuwen. However, something unexpected happened when they got back.

About three days later, Ryan was in his room, working a strategy for the Sixth Singularity when Scathach and Xuanzang burst into his office. "Hey, girls. What's up?"

"Ryan! Tell this bimbo that you're my disciple and not hers!" the Caster said, pointing to the Lancer class servant glaring daggers at her.

"You naive little bitch!" Scathach yelled in anger. "Ryan is my student!! Besides I've been here since November! You've been here for three days!"

"Not true!," Xuanzang stated. "He and I have been together for an entire month while we were in that Irregular Singularity. Besides, I'm obliviously the better teacher and also prettier too!"

"Why you...," Scathach growled. "You better take that back. I'm ten times sexier than you ever be, especially since I'm the one who will get our master's virginity!"

"No, you won't!! I'll get it first!!," Xuanzang exclaimed before turning to her disciple. "Hey, give me your virginity, whatever that is, so she can't have it! Don't worry, and I'll make sure you'll get it back in one piece!"

Ryan blushed a deep shade of red as he facepalmed. "She doesn't know what's she fighting over....oh poor sweet innocent Xuanzang. Never change."

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