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Lyra used to be narrow-minded like her younger brother and parents. She used to stick her nose up in the air and scoff at the poor excuses of wizards. She called muggle-borns mudbloods and vomited in her mouth when they were mentioned.

It wasn't an overnight thing, to change your beliefs, it was exposure. Once a muggle-born actually used logic against her taunting. That caused something in her brain to snap. She'd sneak into the library and read on muggles and the history of magic. She still hated them for what they did... But then she learned generations ago the Malfoy family did business with muggles which helped accumulate their wealth.

When she tried to ask her father about it, she was immediately shut down. He grew furious with her and refused to speak to her for a few days. Her mother told her not to anger her father again by bringing up muggles.

Her brother, Draco always strived to be father's favorite, as the rightful heir he was always treated with more respect. Of course, Lucius Malfoy was far from a family man, Lyra couldn't remember the last time he hugged her or told her he loved her. He often criticized her along with her mother. Two years prior her mother put her on a strict diet because apparently she "gained too much weight". Though Lyra didn't feel she looked different.

She was taught to one day be a pureblood wife. One who didn't work, but was a nice arm piece. She was taught etiquette like Draco, they learned a second language and an instrument to play. Lyra picked up the harp and piano. Draco stuck with the piano as their father refused to let Draco learn the guitar, saying it was improper.

Like Draco, she was surrounded by pureblood children. Pansy's older sister Penelope, she was a year older than Lyra, but was still forced to be her friend. She was also friends a girl named Zoe, she was Theodore Nott's eldest sister. Unlike Draco, Lucius refused the opposite sex to be in Lyra's close circle. Though occasionally at elite parties, she's allowed to spend time with a chosen boy. Though currently she heard her parents talking to French elite families, which caused her to cringe. They were already discussing proper boys for her to date. It's been that way ever since she turned fifteen.

She had secret friends once she went to school. Once she apologized to the muggle-born, she introduced Lyra to other people from different houses and she began to branch out.

That muggle-born, Lucy was from Gryffindor, a big no-no, but she still befriended her and then her best friends Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell.

Once Draco sent a letter home telling their parents Lyra abandoned her old friends for Gryffindors. She got a howler and ever since, she never forgave Draco who thrived on making his older sister's life miserable.

It was the summer before her fifth year. Lyra wanted a change. She had long hair that her mother always had her keep pristine. But she wanted to rebel. Draco was comfortable with himself, but Lyra wasn't. She wanted an identity separate from her family name. While his family name was his whole identity and he wore it with pride.

She sat down in front of her vanity mirror. She heard her eagle-owl, Ellie chirping, definitely telling her from her post that it was a bad idea.

"Shut it, Ellie." Lyra grumbled. "What's the worst that could happen?" She separated her hair into four parts. She let out a shaky sigh. "This is a good idea. Katie said she did it before. She cut her own fringe... It did turn out horrendous, but that won't happen to me."

She made the first cut to her dark locks. It was like she was cutting away her shackles. She let out a shaky laugh. She measured the pieces and kept cutting until her hair was to her chin. Her hair was almost a foot long on her vanity mirror.

Ellie gave her a sad chirp. But Lyra was smiling ear to ear. She started giggling. Her father was going to kill her. That was one of her strict rules, no cutting her hair.

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