Aradhya's POV
" I was thinking about opening a YouTube channel for Gabi. What do you guys say?" Jordana asked us.
They came to visit me after school. But Asher and Ardeyn couldn't come as they are busy with their soccer practice. I am still afraid if I can go and enjoy the tournament. My ankle is still healed properly.
" Great idea but will Gabi agree with this idea?" I asked her.
" It's your responsibility to convince her. She is very comfortable with you and you have a great convincing skill." Jordana said and I sighed deeply.
" I don't know if I can convince her but I can definitely try to do so." I said to her.
" You have to do it. She is wasting her talent like this." She said to me. I nodded.
" I will try my best and get it done." I said to her.
" If she doesn't agree then we will appear in her videos with her to encourage her. She will be comfortable then. Our motive is to introduce the world with the future superstar Gabrielle Cassidy." Whitney said and I nodded.
" How great it will be to attend the concerts of Gabi?!! There will be thousands of people screaming Gabi's name!!! Dude!!! I am feeling thrilled already." Heidi said and I nodded. It will be great to be in a concert of Gabi with thousands of screaming fans.
" We will surprise about this on her 16th birthday next month. We will upload the videos of singing." Juliet said to us and I nodded.
" We will collect the videos that she has performed before and she will perform until next month." Whitney said.
" Then will upload them in her channel." Heidi said.
" What if it doesn't get successful?" I asked Juliet and she chuckled then winked smirking at me.
" I have all the plans for that. It will definitely be successful. No matter what." She said to me.
" How?" I asked her.
" I have already started to advertise about it." Juliet said.
" We haven't created the channel yet." I said to her.
" It's called precautions." She said and I rolled my eyes.
" What kind of advertising have you done?" I asked her.
" I have told all the staffs of Kentworths to subscribe the channel." Juliet said and I sighed deeply.
" Gabi has a beautiful voice. People will listen to her anyways." I said to her and she twisted her lips.
" If there is still any such problem I have the solution. We can create number of channels to support her. We will be the audience of Gabi. We will comment the positive things and encourage Gabi. She will not know that we are behind all these. She will think that people love her already and she will give her 100% effort on it." Juliet said.
" But how can you guarantee that people will like her?!" Heidi asked and we all glared at her.
" I mean...umm... errrrr... Suppose there is a problem then?" She asked us.
" I have solution for everything. For literally everything." Juliet said.
" How?" Heidi said.
" We will influence the social media. We will spread her all in the internet." Juliet said.
" Will this be a right thing to do?" I asked Juliet.
" I can do anything for my friends, Ari and where is a question about my friends there right or wrong is not important for me. And how come it's wrong? Gabi is a wonderful singer. She deserves the limelight and the attention. If we would help or encourage her for a negative thing then it could be wrong. We are trying to help her to show what she really is. She was born to be a star and she will. I will go any far to fulfill Gabi's dream. You guys help me or not doesn't matter." Juliet said and I sighed wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
" I will help you, Lattie. No worries. I was just saying." I said to her. She sighed.
" Look, Ari. Today's world gets influenced by anything they finds on social media. So, we try to do a smart use of this influencing by spreading a positive view. We are thinking about bringing our friend's inner talent out. This is not at all wrong." She said to me.
" I am sorry for my words." I said to her.
" You don't have to say sorry, Ari. You don't have to be." She said smilingly hugging me. I chuckled. " Gabi needs our support and we will do what is best for Gabi." She said.
" But we are not sharing this with Gabi before her birthday." Heidi said.
" Ok. As you say." Whitney said.
" I have got a great idea." Jordana said.
" What kind of idea?" I asked.
" We will name the YouTube channel as Drama Queen which Gabi's grandmother calls her." Jordana said and I chuckled.
" Like really?! Though it's goes for all of you." I said. They narrowed their eyes at me. "Ok, including me." I said.
" Very well." she said to me.
" This will be a great idea to surprise her." Whitney said. " Can't wait for that. So excited!!!" Whitney squealed and I rolled my eyes.
" Excited for what girls!!!" We heard Gabi's voice who was standing on the doorstep. The girls looked at me and I smiled at Gabi.
" Excited for the football tournament, Gabi. Aren't you excited?" I asked her and she smiled walking inside.
" Yup!!! I am very excited about the tournament as well." She said and we take a sigh of relief. She didn't hear anything about the plan.
The girls left in the evening and I was in my room taking rest which I do all the day from last 3 days. I heard someone knocking on the door.
" Maa, you don't have to knock. Come in." I said.
" How are you, baccha?" (How are you, dear?) I heard a very familiar voice and got up at once.
" Ouch!!!" I hurt my ankle.
" Sambhal ke." (Careful) she saidm
" Masiiiiii."(Aunty) I squealed and she chuckled.
" Surprise." She said.
I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back. I was surprised for real to see her here.

DQ#1 Thousand Reasons Why
Romance[New series "Drama Queen" a.k.a. DQ is going to be published. There will be stories of Aradhya and her best friends : Juliet, Heidi, Gabrielle, Jordana and Whitney.] Aradhya Roy is not like all other girls. She is jolly and funny girl with a lot of...