Aradhya's POV
As soon as the doorbell rang I opened the door. I thought it was Mom who has gone to the grocery store but instead I found my gang there. I sighed and let them come in.
" Good morning, guys." I said to them.
" Good morning!!!" Juliet said to me.
" What's wrong?" I asked her.
" Nothing wrong. Just was checking if you are ok." She said and I rolled my eyes.
I knew why are they so worried. Because, a few days back the custody case was closed and my Mom got the full custody of mine. My father was definitely not happy with that anyways but who cares!!! After the case was closed we got a legal notice from my grandfather's lawyer to be present there when the testament of my grandfather will be revealed. I haven't decided yet if I will go there or not cause honestly I don't want those money. I don't care about it at all. I know very well that money can't buy happiness but it can bring destruction. I knew that the biggest happiness of my life is my mother. Nothing else does matter at all.
" I am fine, guys." I said to them.
" Are you going to India?" Whitney asked me.
" I don't know. I need to talk to my family first. If they agree with that then I will go there." I said to them.
Ardeyn was going to say something but the doorbell rang and I sighed.
" I will check it." I said and walked toward the door. I found jiju standing on the door as soon as I opened the door.
" Jiju!!!" I said smilingly giving him a brief hug.
" Good morning, Ari." He said smilingly wrapping arm around me.
" Good morning, Jiju." I said as we walked inside.
" What's going on?" He asked me as he found my friends around.
" Nothing important. We were just talking about the new song we were thinking about recently." I said and he chuckled.
" I am so proud of you, little girl." He said.
" Try to call me Chhoti." I said.
" It's your Dee's property." He said. I rolled my eyes.
" You can call that." I said as we reached there in the living room.
" Oh, so crowded." He said.
" Yeah, kind of." I said and he sat beside them.
" Where is Aunty?" Jiju asked.
" She has gone to grocery store. Why?" I said.
" No just was asking." He said.
" Is there anything I need to know, jiju?"I asked. But before he could answer me we heard Ardeyn.
" Hi, Noel!!!" Ardeyn said smilingly.
" Hey, Ardeyn!!!" He replied." You are here too?"
" Yeah, you know, I am the smartest one in the group. So, I need to help them. Otherwise they will tragically mess up." He said smirkingly. All the girls twisted their lips disappointedly at this. I rolled my eyes.
" You know you are so full of yourself." Gabrielle said.
" Yes, I am. Now what?!" He asked back.
" Stupid." Juliet said.
" Thanks, Kentworth." He hissed. She replied him rolling her eyes.
" Hey, guys stop. Jiju is here. Stop fighting before him. Manners, kids!!! Manners!!!" I glared at him.

DQ#1 Thousand Reasons Why
Romantik[New series "Drama Queen" a.k.a. DQ is going to be published. There will be stories of Aradhya and her best friends : Juliet, Heidi, Gabrielle, Jordana and Whitney.] Aradhya Roy is not like all other girls. She is jolly and funny girl with a lot of...