chapter 33: Michael pt. 2

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The next day, Violet walked into the Glee Club with Kurt. Her brain was just racking up ideas of how she could get revenge on Sebastian, but also not get arrested. When her and Kurt entered the room, everyone automatically looked at Kurt worriedly.

"How is he? Is he okay?" Rachel asks.

"How is he? Is he okay?" Rachel asks

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Kurt sighs, "Uh, it's his right eye. Uh, the doctor says that his cornea is deeply scratched and he has to have surgery."

Violet goes and takes a seat next to Sam in the meanwhile. Sam offers her a smile, but she doesn't even notice because she's so deep in her thoughts.

"In all my years as a teacher and a student, I have never known a slushie to do that kind of damage."

Violet scoffs, "That's because it wasn't a normal slushie."

Finn agreed, "Yeah, Mr. Schue. There had to be... stuff in it, rocks or something. He wanted to do that damage."

"Well, unless you have proof that he tampered with the slushie, the police aren't interested in getting involved," Mr. Schue tried to explain.

Kurt was frustrated, "Sebastian is evil. He needs to be expelled." He took a seat next to Violet and she rubbed his arm sympathetically.

"Look, Figgins and I spoke to Dalton's headmaster. They're opening up an investigation. So guys, I'm telling you, please let the system handle this one."

Violet rolled her eyes, "No way." Mr. Schue turned his head towards her, "I sincerely doubt they'd do anything. Dalton's probably more concerned about their reputation than the wellbeing of a student who doesn't pay to be there anymore."

Artie agreed, "Dalton's old-school, Mr. Schue. They're not gonna turn their backs on one of their own. We need payback."

"An eye for an eye," Mike added.

Mr. Schue was quick to shut down this notion, "No. I have a zero-tolerance policy for violence, of any kind. That's not how we do things."

Violet said under her breath, "Speak for yourself."

Artie retorted, "No. We sing. And that's all we ever do."

"Do you want to get disqualified from Regionals?"

Artie blew up, "I don't give a damn about Regionals! What do you expect from us? We're people! I know the rest of the world may not see us like that, but when they tease us and throw stuff at us and toss us in dumpsters and tell us that we're nothing but losers with stupid dreams, it freaking hurts. And we're supposed to turn the other cheek and be the bigger man by telling ourselves that those dreams and how hard we work make us better than them? But it gets pretty damn hard to feel that way when they always get to win."

Mr. Schue tried to reason, "I get how upsetting this is for you–"

"No you don't! And don't give me any of that 'it gets better' crap because I'm not interested in it getting better. I want it to be better, like, right now. I want to hurt them the way they hurt us. No, worse. I want them to feel my pain because frankly, that's all I have left to give!"

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