chapter 44: Goodbye

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"So the last week of school starts tomorrow," Sam said breaking the comfortable silence between the two.

Violet glanced down at Sam who was currently cuddled into her chest. "That it is." But Sam just kept staring at Violet as if he was waiting for something to happen. "Is there something else you wanted to say?"

"Are you gonna be okay?"

Violet sighed and then kissed his head, "Yes, I will. I know a bunch of our friends are moving on, but that's life. It's not like they're not gonna come back, so I'll be okay. Plus, Blaine and I were already planning a trip to New York to help Kurt move in and so I can visit my dad. And not to mention that we'll be staying with your family for a month in Kentucky."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"Did your mom not tell you?" He shook his head. Violet chuckled slightly, "Wow, I really thought she would've called you first. She invited me to come stay with you guys for a month in the summer."

He scoffs, "I can't believe that she tells you all of this before she tells me."

"It's because she likes me more. We've known this. Plus, she likes me even more now that we're official."

Sam chuckled, "Yeah, now my entire family loves you even more. Well, I think Stacy still has mixed feelings about it."

She chuckled, "Why?"

"I think it's because she realizes that now she has to share you with me."

She said sarcastically, "I mean don't know. I think I'd choose hanging out with Stacy than hanging out with you."

He sarcastically retorted, "Ah, you sick of me already?"

"Hm, I don't know. We have been spending a lot of time together."

Sam then smirked to himself before leaping out of bed and heading to his room. Violet immediately shot up from her position and pouted, "Hey, what was that about?"

"Doesn't distance make the heart grow fonder?" he asked.

"Screw that, I want you right here, right now."

Sam smiled, "Be careful what you wish for." He then catapulted himself onto Violet's body, pinning her down, but then she started to fight back.

Sometimes, Sam forgets how strong she actually is so when she flipped him over with ease, his mouth was slightly agape.

Some of Violet's hair was draped over her face as she pinned down Sam's wrist, him practically unmoving. He tried to squirm, but he couldn't really move with her straddling his stomach, "I really thought I got you that time."

"Buttercup, when are you going to learn that I'm just too good at this. I'm a dancer and a choreographer AND your girlfriend. I'm agile, and I know how you move. You can't beat me."

She then quickly pecked his forehead again before cuddling into his side. Even though Violet was sad about most of her friends' upcoming graduation, she couldn't help but feel excited about the future. Or at least, a whole summer without having to stress over a show or family issues.

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The members of the Glee club were all currently strewn around the room, watching the original members of the Glee Club perform the first number that they've ever learned, "Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat" from Guys and Dolls.

When they struck their ending pose, the rest of the club applauded their efforts. Santana then spoke up, "That was the most ghetto number I have ever seen."

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