chapter 51: Dynamic Duets pt. 1

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Why am I so emotional.
This is not a good look,
gain some self-control,
and deep down I know
this never works.
But you can lay with me
so it doesn't hurt.

~Sam Smith, Stay With Me

"I'm so glad that we're back in Ohio," Stacy said as she was moving some of her boxes into her room with Violet trailing behind her

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"I'm so glad that we're back in Ohio," Stacy said as she was moving some of her boxes into her room with Violet trailing behind her.

"I'm glad that you're back in Ohio too. I know I'm busy with school and all, but if you really want, I can always try and make time for ballet lessons for you."

The Evans had finally moved back to Lima, and Violet was helping the family of 5 move into their new house which was bittersweet.

Violet was glad that they were all there, but something about Sam moving out now felt scary. Ever since Grease, Sam thought that everything was fine between the couple, but Santana's words still flooded Violet's thoughts.

She couldn't help but question whether or not she was happy.

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to do that if you're busy. It's college application time isn't it?" Violet turned her head to see Mrs. Evans carrying another box into Stacy's new room.

"Mom!" Stacy exclaimed.

"Stacy, college application time is really important! If she's busy then she's too busy!"

Violet shook her head, "I can spare an hour per week. I applied to most of my colleges anyway and auditions aren't until later."

Mrs. Evans' eyes lit up, "Oh! Which colleges have you decided on?"

"NYU, Juilliard, NYADA, Alvin Ailey, and I'm also applying to Joffrey and USC just in case I don't want to go back to New York too."

"See mom! When Violet graduates, I won't be able to get dance lessons from her anymore!"

She sighed, "Stacy–"

Sam then comes into the room and draped his arm around Violet's shoulder. "Are you trying to steal my girlfriend again?" Sam teased Stacy.

She rolled her eyes, "She was mine first."

Violet started to chuckle at the 8-year-old while Stevie walks in with Sam's guitar, "Wait, if you're teaching her ballet, then can you teach me guitar too. A new middle school means I have new girls to impress."

"Wha– that's my guitar, Stevie!" Sam exclaimed, grasping the instrument out of his younger brother's hands.

Stevie shrugged, "And?"

Sam turned back to his girlfriend, "I want to move back in with you."

Violet just grinned and gave him a peck, "No can do, buttercup. You're your family's problem now." She then turned to Stevie, "I'm sure that Sam can teach you how to play guitar."

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