chapter ten

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Yibo the king was sitted alone in his study, minutes later a young boy of around five years with red firery hair and red eye's appeared infront of wang yibo.

"Master you summoned me." The little boy said and bowed down, yibo lifted his head and looked at the little boy.

"Yeah, i have a task for you, it's very important." Yibo answered, the eye's of the little boy lit up, you could see his excitement.

"Yay master! Great! Master finally decided to give me an important mission!" The little boy shouted, someone might think the little might have been given candy with how happy and excited he was, yibo furrowed his eyebrows, that's he never likes giving tasks to this little dragon, he gets so excited and forget his task. Yibo extended his hand making the little boy to keep quite and be serious.

"I want you to protect the empress, don't allow anyone go or get near his palace, are we clear?" Yibo stated, the little dragon whose name is fire dragon accepted the mission.

"Yes master, i will get going now." The little dragon answered and vanished, though he has increased the security at the empress palace and told the empress not to go out, but he is still anxious, the person who tried to kill the empress managed to escape and the dark guards couldn't catch up with the assassin, they told him the assassin flying skills and speed was exceptional.

Fire dragon is a dragon who has trained for thousand years, he is still a kid in his human form but his fighting skills is exceptional, he rarely summons the little boy, he only summons him when it's very serious. It has been three day's since the incident has happened and yibo goes to morning courts, visit the empress and returns back to his palace, he hasn't gone to see his consort yet since he has been busy.

Yibo was going through some reports when the imperial doctor arrived. Yibo stopped what he was doing so he could speak with the imperial doctor.

"Your majesty...." The imperial doctor was about to speak when the king stopped him.

"No need for formalities, i called you here because of the empress,  i have been checking his pulse for the past few day's and realised that his energy kept detoriating, yesterday i had no choice but to transfer a bit of my energy but the funny thing is it seems something inside him sucks the energy i transfered." Yibo said his face containing a bit of confusion.

"Your majesty the empress is pregnant with your child, you should know well your not entirely human, your father is a dragon, it's understandable for the baby in the empress womb to suck the empress energy so that he could grow, the empress is weak and we need to be very careful during his pregnancy, i will prepare some tonics and also you should transfer some of your energy to the empress and the baby too." The imperial doctor answered, yibo asked some more questions and noted everything down.

Xiao zhan on the other hand put on servants clothes, applied a bit of make up to change his appearance, he made sure to send ning away so that he will be able to sneak out of the palace and explore the area. Fire dragon who is watching the empress every movement clapped his hands happily, the empress is so great, he is even planning on going out, no sneaking out!.

Zhan walked out of his palace, looking around, zhan kept walking not knowing where he was going, he is sure if he asks the way out of the palace then people will surely be suspicious then he will get caught. Zhan walked for about twenty minutes but didn't see any exit, he was exhausted. He saw a tall tree, he decided to sit down and relax before starting to look for the exit. Zhan was able to hide from the guards without being seen. Zhan stood up after resting enough, he caressed his stomach and stretched his body, he looked around and didn't saw a soul, looking at the tree, zhan realised that it's tall and if he climbed up this tree then he will be able to get down but he needs a rope, the red dragon who could read the empress mind, extended his hand and a rope appeared, he threw it down for xiao zhan to see, zhan heard a bit of movement, he looked around and saw a rope, zhan smiled.

"Seems like people sneak out using this tree!" Xiao zhan squealed happily.

"Really how did you know that?" Someone asked behind him, zhan whose mind was only thinking about sneaking out to explore didn't think twice before answering.

"Yes, see this long tree, i will be able to get up the wall then i will use this rope to go down, i have been locked up in this palace I am bored." Zhan answered quickly, but realising what he said he immediately covered his mouth, turning around to see its the king, zhan shouted he dropped the rope and started running.


Yibo after he was done talking with the imperial doctor, he sensed the empress was not in his palace, since he created a temporary bond with him, he will know if he leaves, following him he found him at the back of his palace and his dressing, he wore maids clothes and was about to climb up the tree, he never expected the empress will think such a thing, he is pregnant and has the audacity to climb up a tree and go down the wall.

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