Chapter one

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"Highness can you hear me?" Wake up!" Xiao zhan heard a strange voice.

Highness? What's going on? Who is this person called highness?.

Zhan pupils started moving though his eyes were still closed, he slowly opened his eyes but he immediately closed them with the bright light, he groaned in pain, whoever was beside him seems to be beyond excited.

"His highness is awake! His highness is awake!" Zhan heard the same voice, if he is not mistaken it must be a fifteen or maybe fourteen year's old boy, zhan cursed inwardly, who is this annoying brat who dared to come to his apartment and in his room to disturb him! He will surely have to teach him a lesson for trespassing!. Zhan heard the footsteps of the person shouting highness fading away, he is sure that person must have left.

"What the f**ck! My head is killing me!" Xiao zhan complained and opened his eyes, looking around he was surprised with the surrounding! This is not his apartment or room! This. ..this place looks strange, everything in the room sounds nothing but money! If he were to sell these artifacts then he will surely be a billionaire! Even before he could think of anything else, the door was suddenly opened and two strange people came inside. Their dressing looks strange! Their hair looks abnormally long.

"Highness your finally awake! This is great! So great!" The young boy who xiao zhan recognised the voice said excited, zhan was confused, are they by any chance acting an ancient Chinese movie? But they didn't even ask for his permission! They dared kidnap him and bring him to unknown place! That's explains why he is having a headache and his whole body is aching.

"You bastards dared to kidnap me! I will surely sue you!" Xiao zhan words made the young boy who was calling him highness and the middle aged man standing surprised with xiao zhan sudden words, now they were confused what his highness is talking about.

The young boy started crying while holding xiao zhan hand, zhan who was still laying down was surprised with the young boy behaviour. This acting seems strange, one minute he is happy and the next second he is crying! What the hell is going on here! He is the one who is supposed to cry for being taken to unknown place and now he couldn't even move because his whole body is numb!.

"Your highness I am really sorry! It's my fault, i left you all alone when your weak and pregnant and that vicious consort pushed you down the lake, it's all my fault!" The young boy said and cried even more bitterly, zhan eye's went wide, pregnant? Pushed? That explains why his whole body is in pain! It's because they really pushed him and he fall down when he was sleeping after successfully kidnapping, but pregnancy?. Who is pregnant?.

" .heartless human beings! You dare insult me! Even if your trying to act any kind of ancient movie or series, you didn't have to humiliate me! Pregnant! Your crazy, i better get the hell outta of here!" Zhan shouted and tried to get up, but groaned in pain when he felt his back is about to be split into two. They have really gone too far! Making him, xiao zhan a respected and principled man pregnant! They could have just kidnap a girl and had her act to be pregnant.

"Imperial doctor, please check his highness, something wrong must have happened." The young boy who was worried, even before xiao zhan could protest, the middle aged man placed his two fingers on his wrist, zhan was surprised when he felt strange energy going around his body when the middle aged man touched him. Zhan got even more nervous! What kind of people kidnapped him? Why does it look somehow real instead of acting?.

"His highness is fine, the baby is also fine, he must be having amnesia since he hit his head after he got pushed." The middle aged man answered,  zhan swallowed hard, his hand found his way to his stomach and was surprised when he felt like he is having a strange swelling on his stomach, if he is not mistaken it looks so real not pretending.

"E-excuse me guy's, where are we?" Zhan asked making the young boy to be surprised.

"Highness, are you sure you don't know where you were?" The young boy asked. "Of course not." Zhan answered. The young boy smiled adorably.

"Highness your at lotus palace, where the empress reside, your the empress of our state, and now your pregnant with the King's heir." The boy said proudly, someone might think whatever he is saying is the greatest thing in the whole world.

"What?" Zhan shouted making the little boy and the imperial doctor tremble.

Xiao zhan

19 year's

Transmigrated and he found himself being unfavoured empress by the king and on top of that pregnant! He was crazy in love with the emperor, but thing's will change since the person residing in the body is no longer the stupid, crazy in love xiao zhan but a xiao zhan who came from the modern world.

Wang yibo

25 year's old

Well known king of shang dynasty. He is in love with his childhood friend and knew well he's going to make her his empress, but never expected things to turn out completely different. He hates his empress to the core and blames him of his terrible life.

Very slow updates 

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