forty six

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"Yeah because in your eye's I am not your partner but a criminal. I am nothing to you! Don't ever touch me, i have my two hands, i will apply the medicine on my own, i don't need your help! " Xiao zhan shouted, snatched away the medicine from wang yibo hands.

Wang yibo closed his eye's and tried to calm down, no one has dared to act so arrogantly or answered back whenever he speaks. At first he thought it was because he amnesiac but now it clearly shows he is acting rude and disrespecting him.

"Ning." Wang yibo called xiao zhan personal attendant, ning who wasn't very far arrived immediately.

"You called me your majesty." Ning said respectfully and bowed down.

"Help the empress, by packing his things, after your done, take him back to his palace." Yibo instructed and left without looking back, ning looked at his empress but didn't say a word, he did what the king has said and within minutes he was done, xiao zhan and his son wangxian were taken to the empress palace. Xiao zhan who was still angry, didn't speak or smile. Ning has never seen the empress being so angry, but he chose to keep quite. The empress will surely talk to him once he has calmed down.

Wang yibo headed directly to the dungeon and the first person he visited was Orchard, she was tied up with chains, her once smooth beautiful face has completely changed, he looked haggard. Yibo didn't go inside but stood outside, Orchard walked closer and smiled when she saw wang yibo.

"My love you finally came to see me, are you here to take me out? I know you still love me, I am your first love, and I will forever be your only lovely." Orchard said, her voice was rusty, yibo moved back when Orchard tried to touch him through the bars.

"Stop daydreaming. First love? We were a fool to have loved you, the seven years old girl  that you have hidden, you thought we wouldn't find him, you consummated with some else and shamelessly came here to be my consort and i was about to dethrone my empress and have you as my empress!" Yibo shouted, Orchard legs gave out and she fall down, impossible! She carefully wiped out those traces, no one could have found where her daughter was hidden!.

"My love, it is a mistake, just one mistake, you can forgive me and we can get back together again and start all over, that bitch adopted a kid and you took him as your own son, on top of that he is a snake demon. You can also adopt my daughter, make her a princess, she is my blood, you can be his father, we will be happy." Orchard answered, yibo frowned, he attacked Orchard with his Qi throwing Orchard few meters away.

"Shameless! First I am not your love, second never compare yourself with the empress, you two are totally different, do you know how, your heart is filled with evil, you will not hesitate to even kill your father's daughter, so as he wouldn't set you up. Tommorow will be your execution day. I do regret falling for you." Yibo spitted and walked away ignoring Orchard begging voice and cries. Wang yibo ordered his guards to find a good humble family to take care of the girl who was Orchard daughter since he couldn't trace the father's families, seems like Orchard killed everyone.

Wang yibo left the palace and appeared in a small cottage, yibo smirked and flew up wards making the attack that was to kill him destroy few trees that were nearby.

"Why do you want to kill me? You were the same person who tried to kill my empress after killing that maid." Yibo said teasingly, he flicked his finger and the cottage was blown into pieces, yibo was first enough to move away, and the young man managed to come out with an injured arm.

"What do you want? You came here to seek your death! I am telling you release my young sister!" The young man warned,  wang yibo gave out a light laughter, a chair appeared and yibo sat down.

"For you to be able to come ten metres near, you need to practice for several centuries, little boy, we love your bold behaviour, how about killing yourself and we will give you a good burial, getting buried by this king is a great honour." Wang yibo sarcastic words made the young man furious, he tried to attack wang yibo, but all of his attacks bounced back and hurt him instead of wang yibo.

"In your dreams! Who would want to be touched with your filthy hands!" The man shouted, yibo extended his hand and the man got dragged to where he was sitted, the man was forced to kneel by wang yibos power, a dagger appeared on wang yibo hand, yibo gave the dagger to the young man, the young man tried to resist but his hand grabbed the dagger even though he tried to resist.

"With that dagger, if we want you to kill yourself, even if your at the end of the earth, you will still do it, today we are   not in the moods of killing someone, the day we will remember, we will have you dead." Yibo said and vanished, a sarcastic laughter was heard. The young man tried to remove the dagger from his hand, when he succeeded the dagger kept following him wherever he goes like a lost puppy.

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