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I rather die than love such a bitch!" Yibo spitted, Orchard smiling face vanished and her eyes turned crimson red then flashed gold, even before Mr Bai could react the Orchard infront of him transformed to be wang yibo. The wang yibo on the ground dissapered together with zhan lifeless body.


Yibo sarcastic laugh and smirk made Mr Bai tremble in fear. The men that Mr Bai assigned arrived immediately, wang yibo, the minister's and other royalties were surrounded. Wang yibo returned back to his seat and turned around to look at his empress whose eyes were tightly closed and is now cursing him, some of the words he has never heard before.

"You piece of shit, using me as a bait and now you can't even choose your family but you decide to choose your throne! Asshole! motherfucker! Go rot in hell! My spirit will forever will haunt you!" Zhan cursed, yibo chuckled and tapped xiao zhan forehead.

"Are you not done cursing me yet?" Yibo asked making xiao zhan to stop shouting and opened his eye's slowly, seeing who it was zhan smiled broadly, he looked around and found the Queen Mother and his parents stand close to where he was.

"Mother hold this baby for me, i have something very important i need to do." Zhan grinned, zhan moved back several steps, grabbing his long robe  into place, zhan looked at wang yibo and smirked.

"You son of a bitch! I am going to teach you a lesson!" Zhan shouted and ran towards the standing wang yibo, yibo was so surprised that he didn't have time to react, zhan jumped on him making him to fall down, everyone available closed their eyes with the impact, because the wooden table that had the foods and drinks broke down into pieces when wang yibo fall down on his back with xiao zhan on top of him, zhan sitting on top of wang yibo, he gave a good beating, hitting wang yibo handsome face black and blue. Wangxian who was in her grandma's arms, was continously giggling while clapping his small hands. The Queen Mother was surprised.

"Baby boy, are you happy your mother is beating up your mommy when we actually have a bigger problem before us?" Queen Mother asked wangxian who looked at her for few minutes before squealing and moved his small hands and legs excited. His mommy should teach his daddy a lesson. He deserves to be beaten and beaten again!. His mommy is so sweet! His mommy is his superhero.

"You bastard actually tricked me! Creating an illusion and tricking me! I will kill you! Men attack!" Mr Bai shouted, still believing wang yibo has no cultivation at all. Yibo held xiao zhan hand and the other hand. Looking at Mr Bai who was flying towards him with the intent of killing, yibo celebrated inwardly, it has been long since he had fun.

"Little red dragon take everyone else to safety." Yibo commanded and within seconds the only person available was wang yibo and xiao zhan who was clinging on wang yibo and refused to let go. The thousands men who Mr Bai came with stopped their tracks when everyone suddenly dissapered. Wang yibo stood up, his face still smooth and handsome, the blows he received from xiao zhan didn't leave a scratch or any swelling, he pulled zhan close by his waist and stood at the same spot.

"Move or let me go! I don't want to die with you!" Zhan shouted but yelped in fear, when he felt the sharp sword move an inch closer to his ear. He almost lost his ear! This is the third time he was used as a bait. Even before Mr Bai could attack for the second time zhan shouted. "Wait!" Mr Bai didn't attack, zhan slapped wang yibo hand away and moved aside.

"Sir he is the one you want to kill not me!  He has been using me as a bait several times, don't worry i will walk away without causing trouble, he is all yours! He doesn't even know how to fight!" Zhan added and turned around to leave, but got stopped by the people who has already surrounded them, zhan was so scared that he hid under wang yibo robes.

"My empress for how long are you going to embarass me? Your so impossible!" Yibo whispered and moved aside, carrying xiao zhan bridal style, yibo teleported from where he was and the next second he was standing on one of the poles that was nearby.

"Y-you still have your cultivation?" Mr Bai asked still not believing. Yibo chuckled and his mocking expression returned back.

"Not only that, but I will kill anyone who will dare take a step, if you value your life then kill yourself, else i will kill you and your families followed by your generation to come! This king words always remains!" Yibo warned and released his power that he has suppressed, everyone knelt down without their consent oozing  out blood from their mouth, nose and eye's, the shouts of pain and agony could be heard miles away, the only person who was standing was Mr Bai.

"You think with your empty words i will fall for th. ...ahhh." Mr Bai shouted in pain when yibo flicked his finger and Mr Bai left leg got twisted and was forced to be on his knees.

"Mr Bai i created the illusion hoping that you will maybe learn a thing or two, but you didn't, do you know who these are?" Yibo asked and Mr Bai family members appeared.

"Keep my family out of this you tyrant! This is between me and you!" Mr Bai shouted looking at his wife two sons and two daughters, Orchard was excluded.

"But you didn't spare my family in the illusion, and this king will return the favour." A red light appeared on his finger tips, Mr Bai family bodies were cut into halves when the red light turned into an extremely sharp red string that can cut even the hardest metal. Mr Bai shouted but it was too late, zhan whose eyes were covered with a blindfold tightened his grip on wang yibos neck when he heard cries of pain.

"You tyrant! I will kill you." Mr Bai shouted but he couldn't move from where he was just like everyone else.

"I will give you three chances, if you will be able to handle just a bit of my three blows which i will quarter of my powers, then I will let you off after chopping off your hands and legs." Wang yibo words made xiao zhan to tremble in fear, zhan remove the blindfold and when he saw the bloody mess infront of him he immediately fainted.

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