thirty six

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Yibo helped zhan to sit down, wangyuan sat down on the other side of his dad, wangxian who was being carried by one of the maid was given to wang yibo, everyone saw wangxian, everyone was amazed, the baby was just so handsome, wangxian squealed so loudly when he saw everyone was looking at him. Orchard sneered, what if he is so handsome and has features of his dad and mom, they're going to die here today.

Yibo held the excited wangxian into place since he was extremely excited and was even trying to get off his arms. "Baby boy be good, you will see even more interesting thing's." Yibo said lovingly and caressed wangxian chubby cheek, wangxian giggled, the minister's were amazed and envied the king and his family. When he is with other's or in the court meetings he is not smiling and he is always serious, but now he is smiling and acting very gentle and loving to his youngest son who is very handsome just like prince wangyuan, he is also cute and treated very well with his dad the king.

Zhan waved at the Queen Mother and the former king, both of them smiled at them, beside the Queen Mother was a woman and a man, looking at them carefully zhan was surprised, that is his mom and dad! Did they also come here? But how? With the way he missed his mommy and daddy zhan smile was replaced with sadness, he didn't stop looking at the two people who were also looking at him. Yibo looked where his empress was looking and smiled, he touched xiao zhan hand and said. "They're your parents, i know you miss them, you can talk to them after this." Zhan smiled, looking at his daddy and mommy, zhan waved his hand, his eyes showing anticipation and pure love for his parents.

"Our son has grown wife, he looks strong and very beautiful too, he seems happy too, you don't have to be worried." Zhan dad told his wife, zhan mother nodded her head, his husband is right, his son looks happy, he now has his own family, two handsome boy's, a handsome husband, by the look of it they look very happy, the cold and scary king is now smiling and talking normally.

"Your majesty before the entertainment start, how about the empress entertain us first, I am sure he is well versed with a lot of things." Minister A said, yibo smile vanished in an instant, Orchard who was the one who suggested such a thing knowing the empress is good for nothing sneered, we have a lot of people here watching, if the empress has no talent then the one who will embarrassed will be the king himself. Zhan seems tensed, he never expected someone will will suggest such a thing. Remembering two months ago, he asked his husband to teach him a bit of martial arts, but then he always over sleeps and he doesn't know anything.

The minister's and thousands of  people who attended started clapping their friends, yibo frowned making everyone to keep quite and lower their heads, Orchard dad smiled evily, you can scare people with your facial expression but then he doesn't have any Qi, Orchard dad tried sensing or feeling the king power but he didn't feel anything, the aura he used to have before is not their. Wang yibo was about to speak when zhan stopped him and smiled.

"Do we have a guqin, i can try playing." Xiao zhan whispered at wang yibo. Yibo was not sure with what his empress has asked for.

"My empress are you sure? You don't have to force yourself." Yibo answered, zhan caressed wang yibo cheek, his eyes saying it all. Wang yibo trusted his empress.

"Get a guqin for the empress." Yibo instructed. "Also a flute for prince wangyuan." Zhan added, he looked at his son who smiled back, wang yibo was surprised, he wondered what his empress and son were planning, but seeing their facial expressions wang yibo knew it must be something good and he is excited to know what it is, Orchard expected something different, but he never expected the king to order a guqin and a flute. Well they still have to play right? She wants to see how that good for nothing empress will play. 

Within minutes a guqin and flute was brought by the eunuch, a sit was provided for the empress and the Prince, zhan got up, he kissed his little baby boy wangxian who squealed happily with his mommy's affection, zhan extended his hand for his son wangyuan, wangyuan received his mommy's hand, zhan and wangyuan walked down from where they were previously sitted hand in hand.

"Baby you remember what we practised." Xiao zhan asked his son. "Yes mommy." Wangyuan answered, zhan sat down with his son sitted beside him. Zhan looked at his husband who was looking at him and smiled.

"Your majesty, actually we have been practising this song with our son here, i wanted to sing it for you during your birthday, but still singing for you here will not be that bad." Yibo smiled with his empress words, his empress wanted to sing for him, yibo gave zhan a thumbs up, wangxian clapped his hands as a way of telling his mommy jiayou!.

"Are you ready baby?" Zhan asked his son who nodded his head and took the flute, with the way wangyuan held the flute on his hands, you could say he is experienced. Zhan touched the strings with his fingers, the way he was composed and relaxed, people who were good with playing music instruments knew that the empress must be well experienced.

Zhan started playing the guqin with wangyuan playing the flute, everyone was quite, they have never heard such a song before, and when xiao zhan started singing no one understood a single word that he was saying but the emotions that was expressed was love. Everyone that was present was totally immersed with xiao zhan song, those who hated him for a minute forgot their hate and decided to just listen to this immortal in their midst.

The song zhan sang was  (perfect by edsheeren ft Beyonce)

You guy's should check out the song xiao zhan sang one time on YouTube called faded, I don't know what to say but trust you won't be disappointed.'s so good, i keep watching him singing every day. ..

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