thirty eight

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"Majesty we found her, she's half dead,she seems to have been poisoned by a demon snake, and when the crown prince attacked her for the second time, it almost killed her. Should we finish her off." One of the dark guards asked the king.

"No, lock her up, i will take care of the empress." Yibo instructed and continued to watch the entertainment, but nothing was interesting, he decided to finish this early, with how he is going to do that he himself knows. Leaving his double body at the event, yibo vanished and appeared infront of xiao zhan, zhan yelped and hugged his son who hasn't calmed down yet tightly, thinking this must be Orchard or someone else who is here to kill him.

"My empress it's me your husband, here don't be scared." Yibo said gently and hugged xiao zhan with his son between them. Zhan pushed yibo away while frowning.

"Where were you when i almost got killed with my son! Go away!" Zhan shouted and looked away. He almost got murdered, he must be well aware, but he didn't even bother to help him and now here he is pretending to care.

"Don't be upset with this king, we never meant any harm, we only wanted to awaken the baby's power's, Orchard will never hurt you, we know that." Yibo words made xiao zhan to be very angry.


"You made my son and i your bait! Why don't you go and awaken your powers! Your really heartless and evil!" Xiao zhan shouted and left, yibo touched his cheek which feels like it has been tickled and smiled. Even if he is protective of wangxian, he still needs to be considerate, if he doesn't experience danger now then when will it happen in future if he were to meet someone stronger than Orchard himself.

"I really did that for his own good my empress." Yibo whispered and decided to follow xiao zhan who was going back to his palace.

"Let me go red dragon! Aq will tell daddy you kidnapped me!" Wangyuan shouted while looking at the little boy who was now smiling at him. He poisoned Orchard just like the way his daddy has instructed before she could attack his mommy and little brother, he casted a protective barrier for his mommy and brother so that the poison could start working the moment she will use her Qi. But then this red dragon kidnapped him before he could go to his mommy.

"Little prince, your daddy will take care of your mommy, i want to show you my secret place!" Red dragon answered happily, wangyuan struggled to free himself.

"I don't want to go! Go alone! I want to go back and see my mommy!" Wangyuan managed to pry out of red dragon grasp and he immediately vanished, little dragon chuckled and followed him, he is not going to let him go, he was about to catch up with him when the demon king stopped him.

"Let my nephew go, he is worried about his mommy and brother, you can go with him some other time little dragon boy." The demon king said and touched the little boy red hair, the little boy pouted and left, the demon lord vanished too after finishing what he came here to do. His cousin really owes him a lot.

"Baby we are not going back to that useless event! Your daddy, no not your daddy but that heartless man tried to get us killed!" Wangxian giggled when he heard his mommy scolding his daddy. His mommy now knows what kind of a man is his daddy. He' also tried to eat him before, he is really heartless!. Zhan smiled seeing his son happy. "My good little sweetheart understands what mommy has said, your my little favourite munchkin." Wangxian cooed and snuggled closer to xiao zhan chest.

Zhan turned around when he heard wangyuan calling him. "Mommy, let's go back to the event, daddy is waiting for us." Wangxian shouted, held xiao zhan hand and dragged him out of the palace, zhan had no choice but to follow him, he checked the wound from his wrist and realised that the wound has closed. "Mom don't be upset with dad, he never meant any harm, he was only trying to help little brother." Wangyuan added he then looked around, realising no one was there to listen to their conversation. "That vicious woman will no longer hurt you, i dealt with him, and little brother finished him off." Xiao zhan smiled, his kids are just so strong. But even if wang yibo was helping wangxian, he is not going to forgive him for trying to harm him.

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