chapter nineteen

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"Now that i helped you remove the threat, you have to help me in return, my king is here and he is already keeping a close watch on me, if you dare betray me, trust me i will bring you down with me." The demon told Orchard who rolled her eyes.

"Are you threatening me?" Orchard asked sarcastically.

"I helped you take care of the person you hate, but I am scared the king from the demon realm saved him, since his majesty came hour's ago no news are heard about the empress and the king hasn't taken any action." The man who had a contract with Orchard said, Orchard looked at the demon with surprised eye's.

"If you will not kill him then forget about me protecting you, i will have his majesty kill you by telling him you manipulated me to hide the secret of you being around the palace." Orchard answered with a threatening voice.

"I warned you but you dared hurt his highness by having this weakling demon help you!" The little dragon boy shouted and the next minute the demon was thrown meters away by the little dragon boy Qi. Orchard trembled in fear, the demon who was severely injured vanished immediately, he never expected their will be someone so strong like the king.

"H-how. ....w-what are you doing here?" Orchard asked the little boy who only smirked, looking at Orchard up and down the little dragon boy shook his head.

"His majesty doesn't love you now, i wonder why you keep on trying to kill the empress when you should just give up, last time i warned you but this time i will have to inform his majesty." The little dragon boy vanished before Orchard could say anything. Orchard didn't know what to do if she is caught being in cahoot with a demon he will be prosecuted without second thoughts.

"Trying to scare me, you have no prove to show that i participated with a demon to hurt the empress." Orchard whispered and smiled, trying to scare her, he thought she is going to be so stressed with just a useless threat, she is not so stupid to fall for that. The demon tried to escape but it seems like a barrier was set, no demon will leave or come to the palace.

"Just wanting her soul had me severely injured by a useless dragon." The demon whispered and coughed out a good amount of blood. Orchard on the other hand left her palace, if that useless demon didn't kill him then she is going to kill him. Using the art of concealment Orchard was able to enter xiao zhan palace without being seen, looking everywhere around the palace but couldn't see anyone, she immediately left and returned back to her palace.

Second day

Since the king refused to see anyone the day he returned back, today in the morning he attended the court as usual but his aura was very different, the minister's knew something is not right, his majesty looks very angry, the way he is looking at everyone it looks like he wants to tear them apart, the ministers paid their respect to the king.

"Your majesty...." One of the minister's was about to report when his mouth was immediately sealed by wang yibo. The minister's trembled in fear apart from the prime minister who was boiling in anger with how the king treated her daughter without any valid reason.

"If you have a report you want to discuss with us, write it down, we will go through it later. Today we have something very important to inform you, prime minister you must be aware of that right?" Yibo asked, his voice contained anger and killing intent when he mentioned the prime minister, the ministers started murmuring among themselves wondering what might have happened for the prime minister, his majesty's in law to be involved.

"Your majesty this humble servant doesn't know what the king is talking about, will you please enlighten this lowly servant." The prime minister pretended not to know a thing, wang yibo sneered.

"Our empress got attacked few days ago and was almost killed, what is the crime of a person who tries to assassinate the empress?" Yibo asked making the prime minister to tremble in fear, the minister's murmuring increased, who will dare attack the empress of the state of shang?.

"Your majesty anyone who dares to assassinate the empress will be beheaded together with his or her family member's, the person who tried to do such an act should not be spared your majesty." One of the minister's talked and the other's agreed apart from the prime minister.

"Your majesty, the harem has a lot of scheming, the empress must be pretending to be attacked just to get your attention and sympathy, you should not always believe every word you heard."

The minister's were now even more curious, if the prime minister is involved then it means it concerns consort Orchard, with the king well known of loving the consort so much they wondered what will happen next with the prime minister clearly showing he is siding with her daughter.

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