forty four

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Yibo realised that xiao zhan wasn't going to  wake up so easily. He flipped zhan and hovered on top of him, he looked at his empress closely, zhan didn't stir, his eyeballs didn't even move. Zhan lips were slightly parted with a pout which made him look so beautiful. Yibo caressed xiao zhan thin lips with his thumb and smiled, he put his hand xiao zhan inner garments and caressed xiao zhan smooth chest, he lowered his head and slowly licked zhan lip. Zhan stirred but didn't open his eyes, a silent moan left his mouth calling wang yibo name when wang yibo used his tongue to lick xiao zhan neck.

Zhan sleepy mind became more clear, his moans became more rhythmic when yibo continued to assault his neck, zhan melodic voice made yibo to loose his sanity, yibo roughly kissed xiao zhan, with zhan gladly returned the kiss, with him demanding for more.

"Ahhh. ..yibo.... please touch me more, ohh. ..ahhhh it feels so good." Zhan moaned when yibo hand find its way down to xiao zhan hole, and sucking on xiao zhan nipples. Zhan body trembled in pleasure. Waking up in the morning with unexplainable and excessive pleasure made xiao zhan like a little boy who is in need, demanding for more. Yibo knew the empress was hurt with yesterday's rough exercise, but now with his empress being so needy, yibo ended up eating the horny xiao zhan several times.

Zhan regained his senses, when he realised what was happening, he kicked wang yibo, making wang yibo to roll down on the dragon bed several times luckily he didn't fall down.

"Y-you, how dare you trick me again, who gave you the right to sleep with me again!" Zhan shouted angry. Yibo furrowed his eyebrows.

"Shut up! Know how to respect and speak to the king! Your going to kneel infront of the ancestral temple for two hours to reflect on your mistakes!" Yibo whispered yelled and headed to the showeroom, he had his bath, had the maids help him put on his robes, yibo left, since the enuach was around, he wrote down whatever the king has said. Zhan with how wang yibo has said to him sharply, he got so scared that didn't utter a word, he had his birth, then breakfast, he breastfed his son and was about to leave the palace when the kings personal enuach and guard came to inform of the punishment.

Zhan caused a tantrum but he still found himself kneeling at the ancestral temple with wang yibos personal bodyguard watching him, the news of the empress kneeling at the ancestral temple spread all over the palace, the Queen Mother who was having a chat with xiao zhan mother and they were expecting xiao zhan to visit them heard the news and were surprised and at the same time confused. What might have the empress done to make the king so angry to punish him kneel for two hours.

"Did anyone of you know what might have happened for the empress to be punished?" The Queen Mother asked one of the maids who only lowered her head not knowing what to say.

"Your highness, no one knew the reason, only the king knows." The maid answered. The Queen Mother excused the maids and continued to chat with xiao zhan mother.

Wangyuan heard of his mother's punishment, since he followed his dad for the morning court session.

"Daddy why did you punish mommy? Did he do something wrong?" Wangyuan asked his father, who only looked at his son but didn't answer, wangyuan was smart enough not to question the king for the second time since he knows better his daddy's temper, he has experienced that several times in the court.

Zhan has been kneeling for the past twenty minutes. His knees were already burning, he couldn't even move for a bit without that useless bodyguard looking at him like he is a criminal.

"Stupid king, making me kneel like a criminal, i will make you pay for this, taking advantage of me, then your gift is  punishing me to kneel for two hours. May you trip and fall then break your nose, you bastard!" Zhan whispered while massaging his thighs, the guard who was nearby heard the empress cursing the king, he almost choked on his saliva, this empress is really daring.

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