chapter seventeen

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Baby: mommy wake up! Wake up right now mommy!

The baby tried to talk to his mommy but he couldn't get any reaction, the baby was used to his mommy caressing his stomach, it always gives him warmth but now his mother is not even moving, the baby bust into tears, his mommy is not waking up. The crying baby stopped when he felt someone else presence, though he couldn't see but he could feel it.

A little brown snake who is a hundred years old felt someone crying and decided to go see who it was, slithering up the ice bed, the little snake slithered up to xiao zhan distended stomach, his eyes went wide when he felt another presence in xiao zhan stomach. The little snake transformed to like a one year old baby boy and sat down on xiao zhan chest facing xiao zhan distended stomach.

Baby: who are you? Leave my mommy now!

Little snake: he is my mommy too! I like him!.

The little boy snake answered and clapped his hands. Zhan baby in his womb was surprised, he never expected some useless kid will come to say his only lovely mommy to be his mommy!. He is clearly stealing his mommy! Now he wants to come out and stop this intruder from taking away his mommy.

Zhan felt someone sitted on top of him, lifting his fingers, the baby inside zhan stomach cooed when he felt his mommy move.

Yes mommy wake up and kick this thief away! He wants to steal you away from me!

Zhan opened his eyes slowly and his whole body trembled when he felt extreme coldness. Gritting his teeth zhan rolled around to get away from the coldness, he groaned in pain, when he landed on the hard concrete floor. The baby inside zhan stomach giggled when he heard the baby who was sitting on his mother's chest whimper in pain when zhan rolled down the bed. Zhan still didn't realise that someone else was around, but he immediately looked around and found a little baby boy trying to sit up.

Zhan has no idea where he was. "Little baby what are you doing here?" Zhan asked the little boy and picked him up, the little boy giggled and rubbed his face on xiao zhan chest.

"Mommy!" The little boy shouted happily! Zhan was confused with the little baby's words. The baby inside him was burning in anger, this stranger wants to steal his mommy.

"Where is your mommy? Do you want me to help you find your mommy?" Zhan asked the handsome little boy who shook his head and pouted.

"Your my mommy, i know your my mommy!" The little boy shouted his eyes getting teary, zhan who is actually soft hearted and has a soft spot for kids, zhan wiped the little boy's tears away.

"OK don't cry, your my good baby boy, i was only kidding, will you forgive mommy?" Xiao zhan coaxed the baby not knowing the little boy was actually a baby snake who developed a liking to xiao zhan, since he is a demon snake with no parents, having xiao zhan as his mommy is great.

The little boy eyes lit up, he hugged xiao zhan making xiao zhan to smile and he returned the hug, zhan remembered the last thing was him getting attacked by consort Orchard, apart from that he doesn't remember anything else. Zhan got up and decided to look around and see where he was. Zhan carried the little boy in his arms perfectly well, maybe walking around he will find the boy's parents. Upon opening the door he was surprised with the surrounding, it looks strange, he is sure this isn't the palace.

"Highness it's great your finally awake, please follow me." Zhan turned around and was surprised seeing a man who is very handsome he is sure he has never seen such a person before.

"Oh okay, by the way what is this place?" Zhan asked, the person who is actually the demon lord personal guard.

"Highness your at the demon realm, your husband brought you here for my king to treat you, you don't have to worry my king and king wang yibo are relatives." The guard answered making xiao zhan to swallow hard, demon realm, it means he is now in the middle of demons, and he is going to be a free meal, he has completely forgotten that the baby in his arms is actually a snake.

"Y-you. ..mean demon? .....a-are you also a demon?" Zhan asked with a stuttering voice, the guard nodded his head, the next second he heard xiao zhan voice of him shouting running away saying their's demon who wants to eat him.

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