chapter fourteen

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"Majesty don't you have morning court today?" Zhan asked yibo who was now feeding him.

"No, i need to visit my consort later, ning will take you back to your palace." Yibo answer made xiao zhan to spit the food he was chewing, visiting that bitch, he is not going to allow it, zhan got his and called ning.

"Let's go back to my palace, we are not needed here." Xiao zhan said and kicked the king intentionally making the soup to split on wang yibos robes, zhan turned around to leave but was stopped. Ning left immediately.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"You never cared about me, why are you pretending to care now? I will go back to my palace pack my belongings and leave, i no longer want to be the empress, have your consort be the empress!" Xiao zhan shouted and struggled to free myself, yibo was taken back with xiao zhan words, he never expected the empress will say such a thing.

Yes mommy! Let's go, i will take good care of you! You don't need this man!

The baby on the other hand was happy hearing his mommy talk about leaving. This way he doesn't have to be controlled by this man and get watched by this meanie!.

"Your the empress and you will not leave here, your carrying the King's heir, i married you, and you will not leave here without my permission." Zhan felt like laughing, his face has already turned red due to him holding his laughter, but someone might think he is very angry.

"You don't love me, the empress title is just a title, I am the one who is in love with you, but now i have learnt how to move on, don't worry your favourite consort will give you a heir, i will go continue with where I stopped with my prince charming back to my. ...mmm." Zhan eye's went wide when he was suddenly kissed, he never expected his words will make the king to kiss him, he was only talking to make the king feel guilty so that he could stay and forget about visiting that bitch.

Stop kissing my mother! Your taking advantage of my mother!

Yibo placed his hand on xiao zhan stomach, transferring his energy which made the annoying baby close his eye's and sleep without him wanting  to, zhan felt his legs getting weaker,  his eyes closed on its own and he returned the kiss. He really didn't fall in love with this king for him to be affected with a kiss? He tried pushing yibo away but the next minute he found himself on bed with wang yibo on top of him. Yibo broke the kiss and looked at xiao zhan whose eyes were clouded with lust, his red lips swollen which made yibo to almost loose his sanity

"Let's see if you will speak about your so called prince charming! Your mine and you will remain being mine!" With how commanding yibos voice was, zhan found himself nodding his head while panting hard. "Use your mouth to answer, this king hates silent answers." Yibo added.

"Yes your majesty, b-but. .." Zhan complained but didn't finish what he was saying.

"What's bothering you my empress? You can tell this king anything, as long it doesn't involve of you leaving the palace." Zhan blinked his eyes excited, if he is allowed to tell him anything then it's easy.

"I want you to stay with me, if you leave me alone now, i. ...i." Zhan acting to be very sad, yibo caressed xiao zhan smooth face and smiled, zhan was surprised, he has never seen wang yibo smile before and seeing him smile before, he really looks more handsome when he smiles.

"I am here, this king will not leave his empress, tell this king what you want to do now?"

"I want to visit the Queen mother and I want you to come with me." Zhan answered looking at wang yibo with puppy eyes. Yibo couldn't say no to such eye's.

"OK but you need to eat first, have the maids attend to you and we can go see the Queen Mother."  Yibo got up from his dragon bed, changing his messed robes, zhan ate the food and showered with the help of the maids, yibo and zhan robes were matching the maids who saw them together were so envious of them, they look good and perfect for each other. The little unborn dragon baby cooed with how his mommy looks so beautiful.

Baby: my mommy is so beautiful!

Yibo: what about daddy? He is handsome right?

Baby: humph, your no good, mommy is always the best!

Yibo: "..."

Baby: i won!

Yibo: 0

Baby: 1

"Your majesty why you suddenly frowning?" Zhan asked with a concerned voice.

"How do i look?  Do you think i look good today?" Yibo asked.

"You look handsome, your always handsome your majesty." Xiao zhan answered, yibo looked at his baby in xiao zhan stomach.

Yibo: you heard that!.

Baby: humph....

Baby: 0

Yibo: 1

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