twenty two

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"My lady! My lady! It's bad! We have to go! His majesty sent his imperial guards to capture you and lock you up!" Maid A shouted while going where the consort was at the moment. Orchard who was drinking tea dropped the cup and looked at her maid who was kneeling while panting hard.

"Are you sure of what you have said? Impossible! His majesty will never do something like that!" Orchard answered, her face showing uncertainty of the maids words.

"My lady not only that, your father was seriously injured by the king in the morning court when the empress told the king to teach the prime minister a lesson since he called the empress adopted son  a demon who is now the Prince." The maid added, Orchard hatred increased ten folds, she never expected the empress will enchant the emperor' to hurt his dad, he is the prime minister and always loyal to the king, without her daddy's support the king will be nothing for now!.

"Impossible!" Orchard shouted and banged the table which was broken into two, the mug with the tea smashed into pieces with consort Orchard strong Qi.

"My lady we have to go now." The maid said and helped the consort who was trembling in anger, her eyes crimson red, before Orchard could say any other word, a man wearing a mask with a blue robe took the consort away in a blink of an eye, by the time the imperial guards have arrived consort Orchard was already gone, only the maids were left behind, the palace was searched but the consort was no where to be seen. The maids were immediately arrested, they must be aware where their consort is hiding and they will make sure these maids will talk, a guard was sent to inform his majesty that consort Orchard ran away.

Wang yibo looked at the little boy in his arms and thought for a while. "If i named you prince wangyuan, your name from today will be wangyuan, do you like it?" Yibo asked the baby snake who nodded his head and forced a smile, this man he is supposed to call daddy is really scary, the way he talks, behaves and present himself made someone think he is so ready to kill someone. Zhan wasn't listening since he was so busy eating strawberry fruits from the maids who were taking the fruits to the Queen Mother.

"Hey wait, i will take this thank you!" Zhan shouted and took a big bunch of strawberries, the maid trembled, she will surely be punished because the empress ate a lot of strawberries and then took a whole bunch of strawberries. Xiao zhan ran to catch up with his majesty, he took a Berry and gave it to his son wangyuan.

"My empress what about me? You gave our son, what about your king?" Yibo asked xiao zhan who smiled, he took a Berry and fed him, yibo held xiao zhan hand and sucked xiao zhan finger, the act made xiao zhan face to turn crimson red, this is embarrassing and gross.

"Your majesty. ...let go, my fingers are dirty, very dirty, I am afraid his majesty will get sick." Xiao zhan who was blushing and avoiding wang yibo eye's said.

"Not dirty, the Strawberry and your finger taste amazing my empress." Yibo pulled xiao zhan closer and claimed his lips wangyuan closed his eye's with his hands, zhan was caught off guard, yibo cut the strawberry into two and gave one half to xiao zhan, sucking on xiao zhan lower lip, yibo groaned when he tasted the Strawberry sweetness, zhan eye's went wide when he felt Wang yibo bulge, he tried to push yibo away but yibo placed his hand at the back of xiao zhan head and deepened, zhan had no choice but to return the kiss, he could feel his heart beats accelerate, zhan whimpered and opened his mouth to welcome his majesty tongue to explore his warm cavern, zhan mind became hazy, his eyes got watery. Zhan got so turned on with the kiss that his little brother started licking with precum.

"Y-your majesty. ...ahhhh. ...please stop, .....i...i feel funny." Zhan managed to speak, yibo mindlinked his red dragon who took the baby from his arms, without breaking the kiss, yibo vanished with his empress, he appeared on his bed with zhan beneath him. Yibo broke the kiss, a silvery string of saliva could be seen, zhan was panting hard, with his teary eyes and swollen lips made wang yibo to continue loosing his sanity.

"Your so beautiful my empress." Yibo growled and nuzzled xiao zhan neck, zhan sweet scent made wang yibo eye's to flash golden. Yibo nibbled on xiao zhan earlobe, using his tongue to lick zhan ear lobe down to his neck made zhan to whimper.

"Your majesty, it is my first time please be gentle." Xiao zhan words made wang yibo hand to stop and the desire he had dissapered in an instant. 

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