forty one

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"Who told you to remove the blindfold? Stupid." Yibo whispered and hold xiao zhan into place. He is already bored being here, he thought Mr Bai could be a challenge but he wasn't, he tied Mr Bai with chains and took him to the dungeons with his power. He looked at the people below him who were half dead and shook his head. "So boring, since you decided to follow a rebel, i will just have to kill you all, or should I be compassionate?" Yibo whispered again.

"Master, i think you should just let them go, they must be manipulated by that traitor." Red dragon who appeared behind wang yibo answered.

"Great idea, but make sure they're disabled, that way they will be crippled and will never be threat in future, don't forget to cut off their tongues." Yibo instructed and vanished with the still unconscious xiao zhan.  Arriving to his place, he carefully placed xiao zhan on his dragon bed, he covered zhan with the quilt. Leaving his palace he directly headed to his parents palace and took his two kids, he relayed his orders telling everyone is in order, they shouldn't be scared or get anxious, everything has been dealt with well.

Wang yibo left with his kids after making sure his in laws are comfortable with the place they were given to stay for the time being.  Yibo had the maids take care of the kid's and went to check  on his empress, he found zhan taking off his robes and was now remaining with his inner robes, yibo looked at his empress, his white pale skin, and his ass that is calling to be touched, yibo licked his lips that suddenly became dry, yibo walked closer and wrapped his hand around xiao zhan waist, bringing his face closer to xiao zhan neck, zhan slightly trembled with yibo warm breath fanning his neck.

"I want you my empress." Yibo whispered with his horse voice and turned zhan around, tearing xiao zhan inner robes, yibo pinned zhan down on his dragon bed, with how wang yibo was looking at him, it made xiao zhan face turn crimson red with embarrassment. Zhan came to learn not to ever refuse wang yibo whenever he is horny, well he is forever horny, if it wasn't for wang yibo being busy and sometimes he didn't have time to visit or come back to the palace and whenever he visits, yibo first thing he does is eat him to his heart content before he finally relaxes and behaves like a human not a beast.

"Don't look at me like some kinda of food, I am still a human you know." Xiao zhan whined avoiding wang yibo hungry eye's, yibo caressed xiao zhan smooth neck down to his right nipple, he squeezed zhan nipple making zhan to whimper, yibo nibbled zhan nipple before using his tongue to swirl around xiao zhan nipple making zhan to give a breathy moan.

"Your my favourite food of all my empress, i didn't have time to taste this kind of food for day's and I am starving my empress." Yibo answered and smashed his lips with that of zhan. Zhan returned the kiss enjoying every touch from wang yibo, which makes his body hotter and more needy to be touched with wang yibo which always does wonders to xiao zhan body. Yibo kissed zhan neck down to xiao zhan chest, sucking zhan nipples till they turn red, he descended down to zhan stomach, further to zhan crotch which was already hard and leaking with precum. Yibo groaned in pleasure when he licked the tip of zhan dick before taking whole in his mouth, zhan was left a moaning mess with yibo sucking his little brother like a skilled man he is, zhan body trembled, he was about to cum when yibo stopped, making zhan to look at him with anger.

"Why did you do that?" Zhan asked, yibo chuckled and let zhan suck on his fingers, zhan added a finger in xiao zhan hole, the finger hit zhan prostate making zhan to cum in an instant with a loud moan.

"You cummed so easily my empress." Yibo said and kissed xiao zhan lips with his fingers stretching zhan hole. The kiss lasted for ten minutes, seeing that xiao zhan was completely ready yibo took off his robes impatient since his dick was so hard and painful and it needed a release, yibo didn't waste time but entered zhan at once ,this made zhan to shout in pain and scratch wang yibo back with his nails.

"It hurts, can't you be a little bit gentle for once you asshole!" Zhan cursed in tears, yibo gave out a light laughter while wiping zhan tears away.

"But I am about to fuck your ass into submission, and with all your curses earlier, you will have to be punished my empress, i will have to let you know who is the king here." Yibo answered and started kissing and nibbling xiao zhan neck leaving hickeys, zhan could only moan in pleasure with each thrust from his husband and assault on his neck.

"Ahhh. ...have mercy. ...shit. ...fuck. ...your majesty. ..please be gentle. ..ahhh. The pleasure is too much i can't take it." Zhan begged in tears, his voice was already hoarse because of moaning non stop for hours with wang yibo not showing any signs of stopping soon.

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