twenty three

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"Your majesty, it is my first time please be gentle." Xiao zhan words made wang yibo hand to stop and the desire he had dissapered in an instant.

Zhan realised the king expression and he immediately continued talking. "What i meant is i have never done it with you since. ...since i got pregnant, you know right now I am no different from a baby I am so fragile and can easily break you know." Xiao zhan said gently his eyes showing innocent, with how he was blinking his eyes yibo couldn't stop himself from kissing his empress eyes, they are called to be kissed.

"Don't worry my empress, you can help me with your mouth, this king will not penetrate you till you have given birth, my empress is still weak, he needs to rest." Yibo answered with a concerned voice, he moved aside and spread his hands, zhan understood what he meant, he helped wang yibo to take out his outer robes, zhan could see how developed the kings body is, he is sure if he were to be in the modern world then wang yibo could break a lot of girls hearts, zhan eye's roamed wang yibo body and seeing the eight packs, broad firm chest, zhan was amazed.

Wow your majesty, your body is so manly, your chest, abs." Zhan who has exposed wang yibo chest down to his stomach exclaimed while caressing wang yibo chest down to his abs, he didn't realise his action has an effect on the king. Yibo held xiao zhan hand and kissed each of xiao zhan fingers, he pulled zhan closer to him, yibo took zhan hand and placed it on his already hard crotch.

"You know what to do right my empress?" Yibo said with his deep voice, zhan trembled.

"Y-your majesty. .your so big." Xiao zhan answered and bite his lower lip, he slipped his hand under yibos inner robes and pressed yibos dick. Yibo kissed zhan lips with zhan helping him feel better down their, with yibo and zhan helping each other by the time they stopped, both of their bodies were covered with sweat, yibo instructed the maids for them. For the first time zhan showered with the king, he realised that the king wasn't that bad. Maybe he has even started falling for him.

"My baby kept kicking, i wonder what is wrong with him, baby are you hungry?" Xiao zhan said gently and caressed his stomach, yibo told him his baby will develop fast, since he is just two months, but the baby is fully developed now. Yibo knowing the reason chuckled, his baby boy is angry and causing a fuss because he touched his dearest mother. Yibo caressed xiao zhan stomach and kissed it, the baby kicked so hard making him to wince in pain.

Yibo: your angry with me, you don't have to punish him, hurt my empress again and I will punish you." Yibo warned his baby.

Baby:you touched my mommy! I will not forgive you!

Yibo: you talk too much.

Yibo made the baby to sleep he looked at xiao zhan and smiled. "You rest, our baby will not disturb you again, i have an important meeting with my subordinates, we will be in my study, i summoned ning he will be here soon." Yibo kissed zhan forehead and left his chambers, zhan sat down on the dragon bed,  remembering what happened earlier zhan pouted.

"He has a big dick, twice bigger than mine, so unfair, poor me." Zhan whispered sadly and sighed,  but his sadness dissapered when he heard ning voice, zhan hugged ning tightly.

"Oh my little ning ning i miss you so much!" Xiao zhan shouted.

"Your highness i miss you too, i thought something bad happened to you, highness don't leave me again." Ning pouted and wiped his tears away, zhan smiled widely, caressing ning face lovingly zhan kissed ning forehead.

"I will never leave you, i will forever stay by your side, don't cry again, you will make me sad, here sit down with me and tell me what i missed when i was away." Zhan answered excited to know what he missed, the palace has a lot of intresting stories. Ning sat beside xiao zhan.

"Highness you know when you left with the emperor the palace was quite. Consort Orchard was so angry and jealous, the king instructed consort Orchard to be arrested but you know consort Orchard dissapered no one knew where she is." Ning started talking.

"Orchard ran away?" Xiao zhan asked not believing, he layed down on bed and sighed. "She is really going to kill me." Zhan whispered scared.

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