forty two

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Zhan was eaten good, by the time wang yibo was done with him, zhan didn't move a limb or be the man who loves blubbering. He was quite and be the good wife he was supposed to be. Waking up later that evening, zhan was invited by his son's wails. The maid came inside the chambers and gave the crying wangxian to xiao zhan. Wangxian kept quite immediately.

"Baby even speaking makes my whole body ache, you don't know how rough your daddy was with me today." Xiao zhan complained  to his little son wangxian who was now looking at him without blinking his eyes, zhan sighed. "I know you will not understand, but it's ok, just know mommy loves you and he needs to rest now." Zhan added, he placed the baby on the bed and he slept beside him slowly not to hurt his already sore body. Luckily the baby didn't cry, it seems like he only missed his mommy and wanted to be close to him.

"Highness dinner is ready, his majesty and prince wangyuan are waiting for you." Zhan who heard the eunuch voice was about to shout and curse but remembering what happened earlier, he carefully left the bed and picked wangxian up. He headed to the dining area where the king always eats his food. Zhan sat down and yelped when he felt serious pain on his ass, zhan bite his lower lip to prevent himself from cursing or crying, wang yibo smirked, he ordered a maid to take wangxian so that the empress could eat his dinner.

"You must be hungry my empress, i had the new kitchen maid prepare some good for you, it will also replace your lost energy." Wang yibo said, zhan frowned. Who said he wants to replace his lost energy? It is his fault that he is now in pain. He has never fucked him so mercilessly for hours like he did today. Right now he could have been speaking happily without any restriction or afraid of his body hurting, but now he couldn't do that, because if he tries to move then his back seems to be torn into two. Zhan realising wang yibo was looking at him, he forced a smile and bowed down a little.

"Thank you your majesty, I am grateful you still care about me." Zhan thanked wang yibo but deep down the insults he wanted to tell him was just too much but he has no choice but to just keep quite and behave like how the king wants him to behave. The maids were surprised, they rarely see the empress behaving so respectfully or following the palace etiquette, he always does opposite of the palace rules. "Your majesty you should also eat, the state needs a strong and healthy ruler." Xiao zhan added, yibo smiled in satisfaction, it seems like giving his empress a small punishment will make him change immediately, it's surprising. Yibo ate the food served by the empress, after they were done, prince wangyuan took his leave with his guard to go and sleep.

Wang yibo and xiao zhan remained sitted on the same spot without for five minutes with wang yibo reading a book ignoring xiao zhan.

"Your majesty I am going to bed now, have a good night."

"Hmm." Yibo answered without looking at xiao zhan. Zhan didn't stay any longer, a maid helped zhan to get up since he was struggling, zhan thanked the maid and turned around to leave, yibo seems to have remembered something and he immediately looked at xiao zhan. "By the way we forgot to tell you, tommorow i will personally wake you up at 5am in the morning, my empress should at least know the basics of martial arts." Yibo words made xiao zhan feel like he was splashed with cold water in this cold weather.

"Your majesty, you know well right now my health is not that good, my whole body is in pain, please reconsider." Xiao zhan begged, he is sure his body will surely be in pain tommorow, he really can't do it.

"We didn't know this empress is sick, but in our  eyes you look fine, be ready for tommorow practice, your dismissed." Zhan looked at wang yibo while gritting his teeth in anger. He wants him to say it, then he will surely do it.

"You fucked me without any remorse! Walking alone and sitting is a problem, you have punished me enough, tommorow I am not going to wake up, your going to kill me first and take my corpse to practice asshole!" Zhan answered and left the dumbfounded wang yibo looking at him.

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