chapter sixteen

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"Come with me brother yibo." Yibo didn't answer but still followed the demon king, arriving at a small room which seems like a training room, at the centre their's an ice bed, yibo knew what to do, placing his empress on the bed, zhan who is unconscious shivered from the extreme coldness which pierced directly to xiao zhan bones.

"Well, let's get this done with." Wang Liu added and sat down crossed legged on the ice bed after zhan was also helped to sit. The demon lord tried to force out the evil seed implanted in xiao zhan body when a force stopped him, wang Liu tried again and the results was still the same. The demon lord looked at his cousin with worried expression.

"What's wrong? Why are you hesitating? Do it now!" Wang yibo shouted getting impatient, he could feel his empress life force getting weaker and weaker.

"Calm down yibo, the baby inside seems to be resisting, he is trying to expel out the evil seed, but he couldn't hold it much longer, your empress life is at stake now." The demon lord was done talking when xiao zhan vomited out a mouthful of blood, yibo rushed to sit opposite his cousin with xiao zhan beside him.

"Help me, i don't to loose any of them, use your bug to put the baby in a form of comatose, this way you can expel the seed, don't worry i will take care of the little boy." The demon lord nodded his head, seconds later a blue small insect bug appeared, yibo closed his eye's and tried to communicate with his baby.

Yibo: baby i know your worried about mommy, I am also worried, let me and uncle save mommy, i know your my strong courageous baby boy but let us take care of your mommy.

Yibo tried talking with his son, when the baby put his guard down yibo looked at his cousin who let the little blue bug bite xiao zhan stomach, this made the baby to be in a state of comatose, the demon lord with the help of wang yibo were able to expel the evil seed implanted inside xiao zhan body, the seed which was glowing green appeared on the demon lord hand. Yibo transferred his energy to his empress and he placed him back on the ice bed.

"Let him rest here, he will be out for day's, don't worry cousin i will take good care of him." The demon lord said, yibo decided to go back, he has a lot of things to take care of.

"And by the way i will personally come and see who dared hurt my in law, just deal with your harem problem."

Orchard on the other hand was seriously injured, the imperial doctor was summoned immediately, the news of the king attacking the consort was spread all over the palace, Orchard dad heard the news and he went to confront the king but it looks like the king dissapered for day's together with the empress no one knows where he was gone.

"You can hurt me severely just because of that useless bitch, I am sure he's not going to make it." Orchard whispered and sneered.

"My daughter the imperial doctor said that you should rest and not hurt yourself, you have already lost everything, I am sure his majesty will not spare you." Orchard mother who came to visit her daughter said, Orchard rolled her eyes and smiled.

"With my father's support he could be nothing by now, he wouldn't dare kill me mother, i know he still cares about me." Orchard answered and closed her eyes to rest, though what her daughter has said is the truth but still the commander is way more stronger than anyone else in the kingdom, he has great support and he is totally loyal to the king. With the Queen Mother and his husband chosing the commander only son to be the empress explains it all though they did it against his son wishes since the current king was in love with Orchard, but speaking of love with the current situation and the rumours of the king favouring the empress, things seems to be bad.

Wang yibo arrived back to the palace, with the dangerous aura he was emitting people knew the king is back and the first place he headed to was his parents palace, with what happened inside no one knew and when he came out he was together with the king of demons, people were even more suffocated two strong being's with their strong aura, things seems to be even more serious.

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