Ch 1: His debts

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Foreword: this book is unedited so expect a lot of errors.



I walked towards the elevator with my heels clicking against the marble tiles of the building. The noise is a little annoying because it caught the attention of a few people here in the lobby. I fastened my pace and soon enough I reached the elevator.

I sighed heavily as I pressed on the button relentlessly, not caring if a few people are staring at me right now. I never miss a day of work. And I am never late. Well, until now, thanks for the hell of a traffic earlier.

Of all days that I could have sacrificed my promptness, never would I have thought that it would be this day. Today is when our company will have a new CEO---the original CEO's son. Today is a very important day and I want things to go well smoothly. But being late is far from that.

While getting inside the elevator I took out my pocket mirror and fixed my fringe, tucking a few strands of hair on the back of my ear too. I need to look my best.

The door was about to close when a hand suddenly held it in between and I had to stop on what I am doing to see who the person is.

The elevator doors opened and I was greeted by a handsome young man that seems to be just the same age as I am. He clicked his tongue and went inside, not even sparing me a glance. Do I look like air to him?

"Hello," I greeted him and bowed.

He was pressing buttons and the elevator door started to close. He is acting as if he didn't hear me. Is he deaf?

I cleared my throat at the blonde haired boy in hope that it would make him pay attention to me. But he only took out his phone and started to type things in it. What is he, a teenager?

This guy is getting on my nerves. Is a simple greeting too hard for him to do? How rude.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. My day is completely ruined. Traffic. Late. Rude guy. Yes, my day is completely ruined.

Oh, wait a second. I forgot to press the floor number. I took two big strides, almost pushing the button to the twenty-fifth floor when I realized that it has already been pressed. Is this blondie going the same floor as me? What a coincidence.

I feel awkward right now, being alone with a guy in an elevator. Since there's still a ton of floors ahead of us I decided to take out my laptop and proofread the presentation that I made. So far so good. One week left before our most awaited client comes. I hope we do well.

After I finish this meeting with our new CEO I will hold a meeting with my team mates about the other tasks we need to do before our client comes. So many things to do and it is killing me.

Finally, we reached floor twenty-five and the door opened so of course being the typical me, I walked out of the elevator while reading my work. I suddenly bumped onto someone, making me let go of my personal computer.

I gasped while I watched in horror as my laptop hit the ground with one of its hinges breaking. The screen also has a crack on it!

I looked up and saw the same blonde from earlier, exchanging glances between me and my laptop. I stood up with clenched jaws and pointed at him with anger.

"You're going to pay for this," I snapped. "Do you know how much this costs?!"

I heard a few gasps and murmurs from the people around us but I don't really care about that right now.

"I'm sorry miss, but its not my fault that you are clumsy." The rude blondie gave me one last look from his smug face before he turned away and started walking to a certain direction.

What an arse.

I turned to the people who are looking at me and I gave them glares as I yelled, "what are you all looking at?!"

I am glad that I have the power to do that. I needed to get this frustration out anyway.

They all shrieked as they scurried back to their cubicles and started working again. What happened was just so plain annoying.

"Zaine!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Vanessa walking up to me with a worried face. "What was that about?"

I groaned and fixed my hair, then I nudged my head towards the blondie who is walking away. "That jerk broke my laptop. Didn't even say sorry."

"Oh my God," Vanessa whispered while staring at that blondie and covering her mouth. "Oh my gosh, you are dead, Zaine."

"Why?" I scoffed.

What the heck is she even talking about?

She leaned closer to me and whispered, "that guy is the CEO's son."

My eyes widened and I stood frozen in my spot, remembering how I treated him. Yeah, I'm screwed now. I might need to say goodbye to my co-workers today.


The day ended good and fortunately I did not lose my job. I sighed my biggest sigh of relief this month. The last thing I would want is me losing my source of money. Also, I already have a high rank here and I wouldn't like that being taken away from me.

I groaned in annoyance because Vanessa is taking so long to get here in the canteen. I don't want to wait any longer, she knows how impatient I am.

"Whatever, I'm going," I muttered to myself and stood up the chair with my latte.

There was a big man just in front of me and in resulted with us bumping  on each other, again. The latte spilled on my white blouse and there are brown stains everywhere. And it feels so hot and sticky!

I looked up at who this dumb guy is and for crying out loud it is still the same guy as earlier. That blondie which is said to be the CEO's son. But I don't care right now, all I want is for him to apologize for everything he did to me today.

"You never look where you're going don't you?" He asked with annoyance in his face. And he even has the guts to be mad. He's the one who bumped into me, and he doesn't even have a single stain on his clothes!

"Excuse me, I was sitting just here. How would I know you're coming?" I scoffed.

He didn't answer me but instead he kept on staring at me---but he's not staring at my face but at my chest! Probably because of the coffee, my white blouse became see through. How unfortunate.

"Pervert!" I gasped and attempted to slap his face but he caught my wrist and gripped it firmly.

He took a step closer to me and smirked, eyeing my breasts once more. "You got nice tits there."

I kneed him in the balls and thankfully he let go of me, groaning in pain as he clutched his precious treasure helplessly. He looks so funny right now.

First he won't greet me back, then he breaks my laptop. He bumps me once more having me spill me own coffee on me and now he's staring at me chest? He has done too much mistakes to me today.

"You owe me four apologies, mister Park." I said and waited for him to say sorry.

But he only smirked at me and shook his head. "You'll never get an apology out of me, miss Jung."

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